Saturday, March 26, 2016

Assisted Living Robotic Design Concept


Assisted Living Robotic Design Concept
Stanley D. Pebsworth
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
December 2015


A Design Research Project submitted to the Worldwide Campus in partial fulfillment of the requirements for course ASCI 531, Robotics and Control

This design project focuses on the application of assisted living robotics.  In an era of advanced robotic design, assisted living robots are within the grasp of humans with special needs.  This project will focus on the current available systems and provide applications for those systems.  It will also review current assisted living issues that could be met through the use of robotic assisted living butlers.  In the future, demands for assisted living needs will be higher and the availability of nurses will be lower.  Through the use of assisted living robotics, we can bridge this gap.  Many people feel the need to remain independent; this design project will review scholarly research the addresses the possible acceptance of these systems.  With the invent of new technology, the cost of robotic assisted living can be reduced.  This project will attempt to project the future costs of robotic assisted living butlers.  There are many misconceptions and negative attitudes towards robots however, this paper will show that many are enthusiastic and optimistic about the possibilities that assisted living robotics provide as well as highlight the need for continued research to better understand the support that robots can provide.  Even though it may seem much like a futuristic movie, assisted living robots will someday be a part of our everyday lives.
Keywords: robotics, automation, humanoid, butler, assisted living
            A 1998 publication by HONDA that presented its humanoid robot the P2, paved the way for future research and development in human-like robots dedicated to servicing humans.  Giving robots human characteristics and behavior is just the beginning.  It is believed that giving a robot a more human-like appearance tricks our subconscious and helps us look beyond the robotic-like characteristics and behaviors and see a more complex object (Tondu, 2012).
            There have been several human-like robotic design up to now.  Currently, this research has become a very exciting topic.  The success of HONDA’s P2 is believed to have triggered the worldwide research of human-like robots.  Up to this point in the design and research of these systems, there has still been little achieved in application of these systems.  A new promising advancement was however revealed in 2004 called Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO).  This new technology allows the robot to move, walk, and run much like a human (Kaneko, Kanehiro, Morisawa, Tsuji, Miura, Nakaoka, & Yokoi, 2011).
            Future needs are shifting from industrial manufacturing robotics to a more human-like robotic system.  Our surroundings were designed for human needs and therefore the need for a more human-sized robot will reduce costs to adapt the robotic systems to our current work environments.  The need for these systems has generated a need for research and development that is currently being carried out by private companies and universities worldwide.  The most impressive humanoid robots to date are the HONDA P2, ASIMO, HUBO2, LOLA, BHR-2, iCub, Lucy, REEM-B, as well as the HRP platforms (Kaneko, Kanehiro, Morisawa, Akachi, Miyamori, Hayashi, & Kanehira, 2011).
            In order for these human service robots to become a reality for our future we face several technological issues.  Production costs are one of these issues.  These production costs have been reduced for small humanoid systems that are less than 50cm however, for human-sized robots, this reduction in cost is not foreseeable in the near future due to research and development costs.  Another issue is power.  In order for these systems to coexist with humans, they will need to have power sources that allow them to function for several hours at a time.  The HPR-4 has developed technology that allows it to use 30% less power than previous models (Kaneko, 2011).
            At the current pace of this technology.  The researcher believes that we will see assisted living style robots in our near future.  These systems have the potential to provide mobility for those that have lost it due to accidents or disease and improve their quality of life.  Private companies and universities must develop ways to reduce cost for these systems as well as develop ways for these human-like robots to use as little power as possible.  The HRP-4 project is very likely to be the person you ask to get your next cup of coffee and hand you your morning paper.
Design Concept
            Based on the current pace of the humanoid robotic industry, this researcher believes the best design for an assisted living robot will be one that has a human-like appearance.  The design concepts that will be addressed in this design are as follows.
            1) Lightweight body comparable to the average human
            2) Price point must be attainable
            3) Power consumption must provide an eight hour run time
            4) Object manipulation must dexterity must be human-like
            5) Must be upgradable
Design Decisions
            Lightweight body design was considered in order to limit the requirement for transportation and home modifications.  By creating a robot that is close in stature and weight to a human there should be no need to modify current vehicles or homes where these systems are required to operate in.  This in turn will help to lower the price point of the system due to there being no need for external equipment to move, manipulate, house, or store this system.  Price point will also be addressed by requiring modular systems in the design.
            Power consumption will be addressed to allow for up to eight hours of operational time since these robots will be working closely with humans and a typical eight-hour work day was considered.  As power is addressed, close attention will be paid to the output power of motors used in the design both for power consumption reason as well as possible safety issues as they will be working closely with humans.
            Object manipulation and upgradability will be considered and based on current research, 7-DOF arms will be utilized to provide more human-like movement as well as improved dexterity.  To also aide in dexterity, the design will consider the ability to upgrade software as enhancements are made.  This upgradability will be addressed in the design by providing networkability of the hardware that will allow the designer/developer to upgrade the system remotely as well as download operational parameters to ensure proper operation of the system.
            In order to give this design a human-like appearance and stature based on the previous design concepts, the basic specifications considered will be those in Table 1.  The outward appearance of this design will be similar to the HRP-4C as seen in Figure 1.
Table 1. Basic Design Specification


Weight with Batteries


2 x 7 DOF

2 x 2 DOF


2 x 6 DOF

34 DOF
Control System

Distributed System

DC 48V @ 5.4Ah

Movement, Control, and Sensing
            Walking control can be a complex problem for biped robots due to the large number of constraints and no fixed reference frame.  In order to provide stable motion, reaction forces have to be controlled indirectly by the motion of the whole system.  In order to achieve the desired movement stability of this design we will consider computations for control as outlined by Santacruz, C., & Nakamura, Y. (2012).  Santacruz & Nakamura propose the use of minimal energy control to generate the desired trajectory of the system.  With this method of stabilization, the design concept will walk and follow a desired pattern as specified by a motion pattern as well as a force pattern.
            Aiding walking will be the incorporation of sampling-based trajectory imitation also known as Laplacian-RRT.  This algorithm will aide this design concept as it maneuvers in constrained environments similar to a home environment.  This concept has been proven in simulation as well as in HRP-4 robot and allows for increased convergence speed (Nierhoff, T., Hirche, S., & Nakamura, Y., 2014).  Information relied on for this algorithm will be supplied using 3D vision.  3D vision will also assist in the design concept of vision guided homing that will allow the design concept to incorporate hand eye coordinated movements as proven and tested on the HARO-1 humanoid service robot (Jin,Y., & Xie, M., 2000).
            New generation tactile modules will be considered for this design concept in order to incorporate a whole body touch sensation.  These modules will allow this robotic design to better interact with its environment.  A local processor will be incorporated that will eliminate the need for networking and high processing bandwidth requirements.  The modules considered have been proven and tested by Mittendorfer, P., & Cheng, G. (2011).  Mittendorfer, P., & Cheng, G. (2011), state that the sense of touch is a large portion of our proprioceptive system and assists us in planning tasks and motion control.  The design concept considered in this paper will benefit greatly from the use of tactile-sensing skin.  Limiting this design to simple sensing modules would create large errors in sensing object geometry and location (Dollar, A., Jentoft, L., Gao, J., & Howe, R., 2009).
            This design concept will also consider the research of Chen, X., & Yangang, W. (2013), regarding knowledge management systems for humanoid robots.  Their design concept is based on a design catalogue and is divided as follows.
            1) Object Catalogue comprising of specific task like movement.
            2) Operation Catalogue comprised of the working principal of the program design
            3) Solution Catalogue comprised of the solutions for specific tasks
Figure 1. The structure of design information catalogue of the humanoid robot knowledge base. Chen, X., & Yangang, W. (2013)

Logic Design
            Humanoid robots pose an intriguing shift in our acceptance of robotic systems that we interact with on a daily basis.  By incorporating emotion models and expressive behavior into robotic design we increase the acceptance of these systems in our environment.  Traditionally, autonomous robots were not designed to nor any considerations made, for them to interact with humans.  Theorist argue that simple expressions such as disgust, anger, fear, and joy serve particular biological or social function.  It has been scientifically proven that robots that closely resemble humans in look and expression are more readily accepted as partners rather than tools (Brezeal, C., 2003).  These anthropomorphic projections are crucial in the acceptance or rejection of the human perception that a robot is perceived to be human-like (Tondu, B., 2012). Therefore, it is the intent of this design concept to be as sociably human-like as possible.  Figure 2 proposes that the visual design concept intended for this project be similar to that of the HRP-4C.
Figure 2. Front views of HRP-3 (Left), HRP-4C (2nd Left), Body Mechanism of HRP-4C (3rd Left), HRP-4 (Middle), Side views of HRP-4C (3rd Right), HRP-2 (2nd Right), and front view of HRP-2 (Right). Kaneko, K., Kanehiro, F., Morisawa, M., Akachi, K., Miyamori, G., Hayashi, A., & Kanehira, N. (2011)

            This paper presents the design concept of a humanoid assisted living robot.  Design concepts used have been proven through science and or research.  It is the intent of this paper to propose a design that would be easily accepted to work in close proximity with patients, the handicapped, and or those simply requiring assisted living.  It is also the intent of this paper to propose a theory of design and not imply that this design in its completion is a tested design.  This researcher feels that with a collaborated effort, this design concept could be a viable future humanoid robotic system that would easily adapt to an assisted living roll.
Brezeal, C. (2003). Emotion and sociable humanoid robots. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, 59(1), 119-155. doi:10.1016/S1071-5819(03)00018-1
Chen, X., & Yangang, W. (2013). Knowledge management system for humanoid robot based on design catalogue. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 5(9), 1183.
Dollar, A., Jentoft, L., Gao, J., & Howe, R. (2009). Contact Sensing and grasping performance of compliant hands. Autonomous Robots, 28, 65-75. doi:10.1007/s10514-009-9144-9
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Mittendorfer, P., & Cheng, G. (2011). Humanoid multimodal tactile-sensing modules. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(3), 401-410. doi:10.1109/TRO.2011.2106330
Santacruz, C., & Nakamura, Y. (2012). Analytical real-time pattern generation for trajectory modification and footstep replanning of humanoid robots. Paper presented at the 2095-2100. doi:10.1109/IROS.2012.6386216
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Tondu, B. (2012). Anthropomorphism and service humanoid robots: An ambiguous relationship. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 39(6), 609-618. doi:10.1108/01439911211268840

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