Saturday, March 26, 2016

Assimilating Unmanned Systems Into Our National Airspace


Assimilating Unmanned Systems Into Our National Airspace
A Study of Regulatory Command and Control
Stanley D. Pebsworth

A Research Project  
Submitted to the Worldwide Campus
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Course UNSY 601,
Unmanned Systems, Command, Control and Communication

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
July 2015

This research outlines some of the key factors associated with allowing unmanned systems co-use of our National Airspace.  It gives information on types and uses of unmanned aerial systems as well as their command, control and communication characteristics when used.  It outlines key infrastructure changes that will need to be addressed as well as the challenges in their implementation.  This research addresses Federal Aviation Administration legislation that would be required to support this transition and outlines training requirements for users of these unmanned systems.  This research will analyze scholarly and per reviewed data and report on the implications and challenges associated with allowing unmanned systems co-use of our National Airspace.

Assimilating Unmanned Systems Into Our National Airspace
A Study of Regulatory Command and Control
            Unmanned aerial systems range in size from a small radio controlled model airplane to as large as a commercial airliner.  They have the ability to carry out a multitude of everyday tasks such as bridge inspections, accident monitoring on our highway systems, drug interdiction, border security, real-estate surveys, search and rescue as well as instrument navigational aide certifications for the Federal Aviation Administration.  In the private sector, these unmanned systems are used primarily for aerial photography and video and of course for recreations.
            “While we shouldn’t be looking to the sky for pizza delivery just yet” says Doug Davis, who heads the Federal Aviation Administrations Unmanned Aircraft Program, UAS will be very useful and effective in the near future.  While there are no current certified avionics suites for larger unmanned systems, these packages are not expected until the years 2020-2025.  Government agencies as well as private agencies are very eager to see the allowance of unmanned systems in our national airspace knowing that the bars for entry are high (Tzafestas,,2009).
Problem Statement
            Because command and control of these unmanned systems are inherently different from that of manned systems, introducing them into our National Airspace will be quite a challenging endeavor for the Federal Aviation Administration, State Regulators, and the aviation community.  Their safe assimilation will require the understanding of unmanned systems command, control and communications, pertinent regulatory issues and training required for users of unmanned aerial systems in our National Airspace. 
Problem Significance
            It is essential to understand all aspects of Unmanned Systems operation in order to adequately assess all potential problems and or issues that may arise during their integration into our national airspace system.  Paying close attention to and educating ourselves on the operational characteristics of unmanned system will allow the Federal Aviation Administration, State Regulators, and the aviation community to make educated decisions about how to safely and effectively integrate unmanned systems into our national airspace. 
Command and Control Issues
            Command and control of unmanned systems ranges from the user being in direct control of the system like that of a system used for aerial photography by both private and commercial users to fully autonomous systems where the unmanned system carries out a specified task assigned by the user.  For direct link systems the user can monitor aircraft position and speed as well as have a visual representation of what is around the system.  In small direct linked systems such as a small private use drone, the user may or may not have the capability to communicate with other manned or unmanned aircraft as well as air traffic control.  In fully autonomous systems, the user may be controlling several unmanned systems at one time and not be unable to monitor each system simultaneously.  This would mean that an autonomous system would rely solely on its own ability to avoid traffic and monitor and communicate with other manned and unmanned systems and air traffic control.
Collision avoidance is fundamental when autonomous unmanned systems operate in controlled airspace.  Examples of collision avoidance measures include navigation of autonomous vehicle and air traffic management.  Common issues with navigation methods is that they are not able to take constraints like actuator saturation, limited speed of the system, or time constraints into account.  For this reason, navigation approaches have been combined with model predictive control.  Apart from providing constraint satisfactions, model predictive control is widely used for optimizing the performance of unmanned systems (Tadesco, 2014).
Command and Control Alternatives
As of 2013, no suitable technology has been implemented that would provide unmanned aerial systems with the ability to sense and avoid other aircraft or airborne objects nor comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulatory requirements on this matter.  However, research and development efforts suggests that a potential solutions to the sense and avoid obstacle may be available in the near future.  The Army has been working on a ground-based system that will detect other airborne objects that will allow the user to direct the system to maneuver and avoid the detected airborne object.  The Army has successfully tested this system however, it may not be compatible with all systems due to size and the ability to house the appropriate equipment (Cooney, 2013).
For both directly piloted and autonomous unmanned systems, reliable navigation is a must.  Common approaches to facilitate reliable navigation of unmanned systems has been through the use of Inertial Navigation Units and Global Positioning Systems.  It is recognized that given the frailty of the Global Positioning System that an approach that will allow unmanned systems to continue accurate navigation in the absence of the Global Positioning System is a must (Kerns, 2014).  The use of Flight Management Systems like those on commercial aircraft could be an option for unmanned systems.  These management systems would monitor all available means of navigation and monitor for error and report to the user when an out of tolerance situation exists.
A robust and secure command, control and communication architecture must be developed as well.  NASA and Rockwell Collins are developing Control and Non-Payload Communication (CNPC) systems that will protect the dedicated unmanned spectrum.  These CNPC systems will certifiable and able to be integrated into unmanned systems to allow integration into our national airspace (Griner, Kerczewski, 2012).
Ensuring uninterrupted command, control and communications for all unmanned aerial systems remains an obstacle for safe integration into our national airspace system. Since unmanned aircraft rely on either direct control or pre-programmed flight paths from ground control station, the ability to maintain the integrity of command, control and communication signals are critically important to ensure that the unmanned systems operate as expected and intended.   
Regulatory Issues
The regulatory framework managing unmanned aerial systems has only recently been developed.  In the past, regulations for unmanned system operations in the national airspace were inadequate to manage the growing demand of their use.  This section will analyzes the evolution of regulations and issues regarding the use of unmanned aerial systems in our national airspace.
In the past, the Federal Aviation Administration’s main concern was the safe operation of model aircraft.  The FAA published regulations for model aircraft in 1981.  This one page Advisory Circular was about the basic rules and regulations on flying model aircraft for recreational purposes and required hobbyists to operate their aircraft away from crowded areas, fly them no higher than 400 feet above ground level and notify an airport operator or the control tower when operating within three nautical miles of an airport.  This circular however, was merely an advisory and had no enforceable authority (Cho, 2014).  
In order to cope with the rapid growth of unmanned aerial systems from 1990 - 2000, the Federal Aviation Administration established a policy guideline in a 2007 Federal Register notice.  This notice stated that anyone who wishes to operate unmanned systems for non-recreational purposes should obtain a permit.  These permits are not required for recreational users to operate an unmanned system however, government agencies and universities can apply for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization from the FAA.  According to a Government Accountability Office analysis, there were 391 permits issued in 2012, of which 52 percent were issued to the Department of Defense for training and operational missions, universities obtained 91 permits, and NASA received 35.  In 2012, no for-profit private parties were granted permits to operate unmanned systems under the regulatory regime preceding the 2012 legislation (Cho, 2014).
This regulatory framework was inadequate to manage the growing number of unmanned aerial system users as well as the technological advancements in this field. The overwhelming consensus was that operating aircraft below 400 feet was not subject to FAA regulation be it for recreation or for profit, even though the 2007 Federal Register notice did bar the commercial use of unmanned aerial systems.  Nonetheless, there was no enforcement regulation under the 2007 notice, which contributed to the operation of unmanned systems under the assumption that these activities were categorized as a hobby (Cho, 2014).
Since the 2012 Federal Aviation Administration Modernization and Reform Act, the FAA has begun to enforce the ban on the operation of unmanned systems for commercial purposes.  In 2012, Raphael Pirker was fined $10,000 for operating a model aircraft for commercial purposes without a permit.  This case had a huge effect on system users and was seen as a roadblock to commercial agricultural use. However, the case was dismissed based on the fact that there were no enforceable FAA regulation applicable to model aircraft or for classifying model aircraft as an unmanned system.  The decision, which the FAA appealed, further illustrated  the confusion over and inadequacy of existing regulations (Cho, 2014).
Supporters of unmanned systems perceive the Federal Aviation Modernization Reform Act as an obstacle to the integration of unmanned systems into our National Airspace.  This legislation will require the administration to create a comprehensive checklist for allowing the commercial use of unmanned systems that had been previously banned. This legislation also mandated standards so that government agencies can obtain permits in an efficient manner. The 2012 Act requires the Administration to integrate civil unmanned aerial systems into our national airspace by September 2015 (Cho, 2014).
As of June 2014, there have been two commercial unmanned systems operations authorized by the FAA. ConocoPhillips was allowed to operate a ScanEagle to survey ice flows and whales in order to reduce their environmental impact on the area.  The second approval was granted to BritishPetroleum in June 2014.  BP flew a Puma AE to inspect oil fields in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.  These two permits marked the first Certificates of Authorization approved for commercial unmanned system operations (Cho, 2014).
In another step forward, the Federal Aviation Administration in June 2014 issued new guidelines for model aircraft operators. The guideline now encourages model aircraft operators to contact the airport or control tower when within 5 nautical miles of an airport, not to fly near manned aircraft and stay within line of sight of the operator for safety.  The FAA also considers the weight of a model aircraft used for recreational purposes to be less than 55 pounds (Cho, 2014).
Regulatory Alternatives
There are currently only two ways to get approval to operate an unmanned system that falls outside the model aircraft category.  The first is to obtain an experimental airworthiness certificate for training, flight demonstrations or research and development.  The second is to obtain a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.  Obtaining an experimental airworthiness certificate is currently the only way civil operators are accessing the national airspace system.  The experimental certificate regulations preclude carrying people or property for compensation or hire, but do allow operations for research and development, flight and sales demonstrations and crew training.  The Federal Aviation Administration is currently developing a future path for safe integration of civil unmanned systems into the national airspace system as part of NextGen implementation (Dorr, Duquette 2014).
Certificates of Waiver are also available to public entities that wish to fly unmanned systems in civil airspace.  Common uses today include law enforcement, firefighting, border patrol, disaster relief, search and rescue, military training, and other government operational missions.  Applicants can make their request online and the FAA evaluates the proposed operation to see if it can be conducted safely.  The Certificate of Waiver allows the use of a defined block of airspace and includes special provisions unique to the proposed operational use.  Certificates of Waiver are usually issued for a specific period of time, up to two years in many cases (Dorr, Duquette 2014).
As the Federal Aviation Administration develops future regulatory requirements for unmanned aerial systems, whether it be for civil or commercial use, the FAA must categorize and classify these systems.  To simply develop rules and regulations that encompass all possible types, sizes and user experience  of an unmanned system in inadequate.  Such classification is important due to the significant differences in safety associated with each category and class.  As an example, a micro class would be so light that if an impact occurred the probability of a fatality or serious injury might be improbable and as well are very unlikely to cause issues with other manned aircraft (Tzafestas,,2009).  Below is a proposed chart from Tzafestas, (2009) that would future clarify the classification of UAS based on their ground impact risk to human life and or property (TGI) given a population density of 200 persons per km2.
Proposed UAS Classification for Certification Purposes





Up to 200g
Most countries don’t regulate this category since these vehicles pose minimal threat to human life or property.

Up to 2.4 kg
These two categories correspond to converted R/C model aircraft. The operation of the latter is based on AC91-57 which the FAA has decided is not applicable for UAS

Up to 28 kg
See Mini

Up to 336 kg
Airworthiness certification for this category may be based either on ultralights (FAR Part 103), LSA (Order 8130) or normal aircraft (FAR Part 23).

Up to 4,000 kg
Based on MTOW these vehicles correspond to normal aircraft (FAR Part 23).

Up to 47,580 kg
These vehicles correspond to the transport category (FAR Part 25).

Source (Tzafestas,, 2009)
Training Issues
            The safe operation of unmanned systems will be attributed to quality training and teamwork.  Effective training consists of experienced instructors, defined standards as well as a defined evaluation methods.  Emphasis should be placed on proper crew coordination procedures as well as the results of failing to follow established rules.  Proper selection and training of unmanned crews will be essential to the safe operation of unmanned systems within our national airspace system (Merlin, 2013).
As of the Spring of 2013, the Federal Aviation Administration has yet to publish rules and regulations regarding the certification requirements for unmanned system operators.  However, they have stated that they will address the requirements for command, control and communications as well as how unmanned systems will adhere to the see and avoid requirements.  Getting right down to it, how unmanned systems are command and controlled will be the main point of these training requirements (Mirot, 2013).
Training Alternatives
In establishing training requirements, the Federal Aviation Administration will need to accomplish two tasks.  The first task will be in giving a definition of what an unmanned aerial system is that is in no way similar or confusing when compared to the definition of a model aircraft.  This definition should take into account size, weight, and performance characteristics of the unmanned system.  A more precise definition will eliminate possible confusion once operators are required to poses unmanned systems qualifications (Mirot, 2013).
The second task the Federal Aviation Administration must accomplish is to categorize unmanned aerial systems and make required qualifications related to each category.  The Department of Defense has recognized this need and has created five categories for classifying unmanned aerial systems.  These five groups place limits on takeoff weight, operating altitude and performance characteristics.  The Department of Defense then placed operator requirements on each of these categories (Mirot, 2013).

Department of Defense UAS Categories
UAS Category
Maximum TO Weight (pounds)
Maximum Operating ALT
Maximum Airspeed KIAS

Example UAS
Group 1
<1,200 AGL
100 KTS
RQ-11 Raven
Group 2
<3,500 AGL
<250 KTS
Group 3
<18,000 MSL
< 250 KTS
RQ-7 Shadow
Group 4
<18,000 MSL
No Limit
MQ-1 Predator
Group 5
>18,000 MSL
No Limit
MQ-9 Reaper
Source (Mirot, 2013)
            These Department of Defense categories can be easily adapted to meet the needs of the Federal Aviation Administration and its much larger unmanned system community.  Below is a proposed modified category list for unmanned aerial systems that would operate in our national airspace.
Proposed UAS Categories for the Purpose of Pilot Certification
UAS Category
Maximum TO Weight (pounds)
Maximum Operating ALT
Maximum Airspeed KIAS

Example UAS
Category 1
<400 AGL
<87 KTS
RQ-11 Raven
Category 2
<2,000 AGL
<87 KTS
Category 3
2,000-18,000 MSL
87-250 KTS
RQ-7 Shadow
Category 4
>18,000 MSL
No Limit
MQ-9 Reaper
Source (Mirot, 2013)
            The Federal Aviation Administration will also need to outline the requirements for each category of unmanned system.  Having flown the preponderance of unmanned system hours, the Department of Defense and the Joint Chief of Staff have created unmanned aerial systems training requirements.  It would be advantageous for the Federal Aviation Administration to issue pilot requirements based on the lessons learned by the DoD and ensure requirements have a common level of understanding that mirror current aviator requirements.  Below is a proposed list of these certification requirements.
Proposed Pilot Certification Requirements by Category
UAS Category

Category 1
Attend a private pilot ground course and pass an FAA written exam
Category 2
All qualifications of Category 1 plus hold an FAA sport pilot’s license
Category 3
All qualifications of Category 1 plus hold an FAA private pilot’s license
Category 4
All qualifications of Category 3 plus hold an FAA instrument rating
Source (Mirot, 2013)
            Medical requirements are another issue facing the Federal Aviation Administration.  Currently an Aviation Class II Medical Certificate is required for all unmanned aerial systems operators and observers as required for see and avoid.  This requirement far exceeds the requirements for actual manned aircraft in similar categories not to mention that flying model aircraft under 55 pounds and below 400 feet requires no aviation medical certification at all.  Below is a proposed logical approach that classifies medical requirements by level.
Proposed Medical Requirements for UAS Operators
UAS Qualification Level

Maximum TO Weight (pounds)

Maximum Operating ALT

Maximum Airspeed KIAS

Medical Requirement
Level 1
<400 AGL
<87 KTS
Valid US Driver’s License
Level 2
<2,000 AGL
<87 KTS
Valid US Driver’s License
Level 3
2,000-18,000 MSL
87-250 KTS
Third Class Medical

Level 4
>18,000 MSL
No Limit
Third Class Medical

Level 2,3,4
Commercial Application of a UAS
Second Class Medical
Source (Mirot, 2013)
            There is no doubt that the unmanned aerial systems qualification and medical requirements will be a complex issue.  It will be necessary for the Federal Aviation Administration to draw on the knowledge gained by the Department of Defense and enact rules and regulations that will allow for safe integration of unmanned systems in our national airspace.
The Federal Aviation Administration seems ill-prepared for the complex legal issues and regulatory challenges that new domestic drones will bring.  Within the United States, there are already reports of civilian drones crashing into buildings, hazardously close encounters with helicopters, peeping into residential windows, and being intentionally shot down.  Anticipating the potential benefits and issues associated with the domestic drone market, Congress enacted legislation in 2012 instructing the Federal Aviation Administration to adopt new regulations by September 2015 to facilitate the smooth integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into our national airspace.  However, it appears increasingly doubtful that the Federal Aviation Administration will meet that deadline.  In the meantime, the agency is attempting to enforce a controversial moratorium on most commercial drone use (Rule, 2015).
To date, most activity relating to domestic drones have centered on the devices' potential impact on privacy rights and criminal evidence gathering.  Regrettably, legal academicians and policymakers have devoted far less attention to an unsettled property law question that still does not define up to what height land owners hold strict rights to exclude flying objects from physically invading the airspace above their land? Legal uncertainty and confusion are likely to continue swirling around the domestic drone industry until courts or legislators clear up this basic property question (Rule, 2015).
Innovations in the domestic drone industry are making it possible for citizens to access low-altitude airspace like never before.  Although these technological advances have the potential to greatly benefit humankind, they are also creating new and unprecedented conflicts involving the space through which they fly.  Prior to the advent of modern drones, there were no pressing needs to precisely define the scope of landowners' property interests in low-altitude airspace.  Unfortunately, as a growing flock of domestic drones stands ready for takeoff, ambiguous airspace rights laws are now threatening to impede the growth of an important new industry (Rule, 2015).
In the midst of these pressures, principles of microeconomics and property theory call for new laws giving landowners more definite rights to exclude drones from the airspace directly above their land.  These exclusion rights would be most effective if they were treated as equivalent to rights that landowners have long enjoyed in surface land and if they extend all the way up to the navigable airspace line where the public highway for air travel begins.  Laws establishing such rights would create a simple exclusion regime for low-altitude airspace that is better suited to handle aerial trespass and questions involving domestic drones.  These laws could also be an integral part of a broader system of new federal, state, and local laws tailored to drones' unique characteristics.  By enacting clear and efficient drone laws, policymakers can help to ensure that the sky is the limit for the domestic drone industry in the twenty-first century (Rule, 2015).

Cooney, M. (2013). Drones still face major communications challenges getting onto US airspace. Network World. Retrieved from /2224063/security/drones-still-face-major-communications-challenges-getting-onto-us-airspace.html

Cho, Y. (2014). Lost in debate: The safety of domestic unmanned aircraft systems. Journal of Strategic Security, 7(4), 38-56. doi:10.5038/1944-0472.7.4.4

Dorr, L., Duquette, A.(2014). Fact Sheet-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from _story.cfm?newsId=14153

Griner, J. H., & Kerczewski, R. J. (2012). Control and non-payload communications links for integrated unmanned aircraft operations. Paper presented at the

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Merlin, P. (2013). Crash course: lessons learned from accidents involving remotely piloted and autonomous aircraft. NASA. Retrieved from /pdf/732725main_crash_course-ebook.pdf

Mirot, A. (2013). The future of unmanned aircraft systems pilot qualification. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 22(3), 19.

Rule, T. A. (2015). AIRSPACE IN AN AGE OF DRONES. Boston University Law Review, 95(1), 155.

Tedesco, F., Raimondo, D. M., & Casavola, A. (2014). Collision avoidance command governor for multivehicle unmanned systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 24(16), 2309-2330. doi:10.1002/rnc.2989

Tzafestas, S., Dalamagkidis, K., & Valavanis, K. P. (Eds.). (2009). On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System : Issues, Challenges, Operational Restrictions, Certification, and Recommendations. Dordrecht, NLD: Springer. Retrieved from

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