Saturday, March 26, 2016

Automated Unmanned Refuse Collection (AURC)


Automated Unmanned Refuse Collection (AURC)
Stanley D. Pebsworth
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
October 2015


An Application Project submitted to the Worldwide Campus in partial fulfillment of the requirements for course UNSY 501, Application of Unmanned Systems

This application project aims to address the idea of unmanned refuse collection.  Refuse collection is a process that requires coordinated efforts to both timely collect and properly transport refuse to a disposal site.  These coordinated efforts, if not done properly, result in late routes, personnel overtime, as well as safety concerns.  This project will assess the need for Automated Unmanned Refuse Collection (AURC) and evaluate the implications of its use.  This project will address the technological, social, environmental, and political ramifications of AURC.  It will also address contributing factors and effects that will show just cause for this solution.  Legal, ethical, and safety concerns will be addressed and a specific research strategy will be proposed.
Keywords: automation, unmanned systems, refuse collection, waste management

Automated Unmanned Refuse Collection
            Routing of refuse collection to allow for scheduled and timely delivery back to the landfill is a timely and costly effort.  The human interface in these systems results in missed routes, late departures and arrivals, as well as congestion during refuse drop off.  There is also the inherent risk involved in refuse collection.  By removing the human factor in refuse collection, we can better route collection vehicles, coordinate departures and arrivals, practically eliminate congestion during refuse drop off and reduce safety related accidents in the workplace.
            It is time for a change in the current model of refuse collection.  For many years the collection process has gone relatively unchanged.  Cities are growing and the amount of refuse grows with them.  Money is being thrown away due to poor route management and non-optimization of vehicles on collection routes.  This must come to a stop.  We must improve routing and optimize the use of collection vehicles through automated systems.
Problem Statement
            So how can we improve on our current refuse collection procedures?  What methods are available to address our issues?  Several methods have been proposed to combat these issues.  The most popular of which is the use of  automated unmanned refuse collection vehicles.  These trucks can be routed and controlled though a central facility that will manage all aspects of the refuse collection and disposal.  Other methods have included simply automating routing and maintaining the manned collection vehicles.  This method will not remove the very cause of our issues; the human interface.
            We must look for alternatives that will be safe, save time, and provide customers with better service.  The problems we face today in refuse collection is scheduling of refuse collection vehicles as efficiently as possible.  When a refuse collection truck returns half full, it costs the same amount of money to your company as if it were completely full.  So how do we address this issue?  How do we make the most of every trip our refuse collection vehicles make?
            Refuse management is a mandatory and essential service provided by municipal authorities in order to keep our streets clean.  Today’s systems for refuse collection are unscientific, outdated and inefficient.  As our populations grow, we are faced with managing the challenges of efficiency, increased rates of refuse generation, high collection costs and fewer financial resources (Huang, Lin, 2015).
            Seadon (2010) says that in order to move to a more sustainable society, it is required that we develop greater sophistication to manage waste.  He also states that our traditional reductionist approach is not sustainable because it has no flexibility or future development.  We must develop a waste collection system that is more adaptable and has plans for future development.
     Waste is a result of inadequate thinking. The traditional approaches to waste management of “flame, flush or fling” are outmoded customs which have resulted in an unsustainable society. In the USA the total annual wastes exceed 115 billion tons, of which 80% is wastewater. Of that amount less than 2% is recycled. Emitting waste into the environment resulted in nearly 40% of all USA waters being too polluted to support their designated functions and more than 45% of the USA population live in areas where air quality was unhealthy at times because of high levels of air pollutants (Seadon, 2010).
In 2010 garbage collection was rated as the seventh most dangerous job in the United States.  The mortality rate for waste collection workers in 2010 was 3 in 10,000.  In Canada, a 2010 report stated that garbage collection was “one of the most hazardous jobs.”  It was also stated that injuries had affected 35% of workers for that same year in Canada.  In order to combat these safety issues, companies normally require refuse collection workers to wear leather gloves, long pants and heavy steel-toed boots (Tibbetts, 2013).
Waste collection has contributed greatly to human health issues in the United States as well.  In a 1998 report from the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported that U.S. waste collectors died due to work related issues at a rate of 49 per 100,000 workers and nonfatal accidents were at a rate of 95 per 1,000.  This report also ranked U.S. waste collection as the seventh most hazardous job in the U.S.  The most identifiable hazards to waste collectors were items such as dust, endotoxins, bacteria and fungi.  These hazards resulted in acute issues such as respiratory symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, hepatitis, HIV, and syphilis.  (Kuijer, P., Frings-sen, M., & Sluiter, J. (2010).
Kuijer, P. et al. (2010) further reported that in a 2008 study, nearly 38% of waste collection workers reported an on the job injury.  The causes of these injuries happened mainly away from the collection facility.  Workers were hit by goods or a vehicle, fell from a high elevation or stepped on or fell on a sharp object.  When waste is collected manually, specific consideration should be taken as to the increased risk for hearing loss, respiratory issues, gastrointestinal problems, and back injuries.
            In 2014 research was conducted in order to determine the driving cost of refuse collection.  It was determined that the main contributing factors were vehicle use and wages.  It was also determined that an increase in the amount of refuse collected often results in a reduction in operating cost.  It was determined that an increase of waste collection of 1% resulted in a decrease in cost of 0.2% per inhabitant.  In other words, the faster refuse can be collected on any given shift will reduce the costs associated with refuse collection.  This study highlights that efficiency is a critical factor in cost management (Greco, G., Allegrini, M., Del Lungo, C., Gori Savellini, P., & Gabellini, L., 2014).
            Greco, G. et al. (2014) also addressed an interesting finding in their study.  It was determined that the collection of undifferentiated waste has a higher cost advantage over that of differentiated waste.  Therefore, an increase in waste production has an economic incentive to collect only undifferentiated waste.  In order to limit this incentive, the waste collection process needs to be more efficient therefore limiting the incentive to collect only undifferentiated waste.
Recommended Solution
            In order to correct the issues we have today with our waste management and collection we must address two issues, hazards and efficiency.  Hazards are causing a large amount of reported on the job injuries costing our waste management systems both time and money.  The efficiency of our collection routes are not optimizing the full capabilities of our waste collection vehicles which again results in lost time and money.  We must immediately address these issues because as our population grows, they will only get worse.
            First we can address the hazard issues.  By eliminating the waste collection worker from the vehicle, we will practically eliminate the reports of on the job injuries.  We can do this by modifying our current waste collection vehicles with equipment and software that has been developed for autonomous transport vehicles.  In an article by Andreasson, H., Bouguerra, A., Cirillo, M., Dimitrov, D. N., Driankov, D., Karlsson, L., Stoyanov, T. (2015), they researched a system known as Safe Autonomous Navigation (SAUNA).  SAUNA has the capability to perceive its environment, allocate tasks with other vehicle in the system, plan motion and coordination, as well as provide predictive collision avoidance.  This system could create a completely autonomous environment for all collection vehicles within a system that would eliminate the need for workers to be exposed to the hazards of the waste collection process and potentially reduce injury reports by as much as 38% as reported by Kuijer, P. et al. (2010).
            Further studies have been done to address the mathematical computation required for such an autonomous system of vehicles.  In a study by Xidias, E., & Azariadis, P. (2011), it was concluded that multiple vehicles can work together in solving the same unique problem while at the same time avoiding collision with obstacles and each other during the process.  Martínez-Barberá, H., & Herrero-Pérez, D. (2010) conducted a similar study and stated that the development of a flexible and easily configurable and commanded autonomous ground vehicle could be easily adapted into any management system.
            Next we must address the issues of efficiency.  There are several studies that have been conducted that address topics such as demand responsive operations (Oyatoye, E., & J A O Magbagbeola, 2010), periodic vehicle routing (Campbell, A., & Wilson, J. 2014), inventory routing (Schutten, M., Pérez Rivera, A., & Mes, M., 2014), and simply re-evaluating vehicle route scheduling (Huang, S., & Lin, P., 2015).
      In the past, solid waste collection was carried out without analyzing demand and the construction of the routes was left to the drivers. Cities, however, continue to expand. Because of this ongoing urbanization, the importance of an efficient collection system only increases. Optimally, there should be a method that tries to maximize the general acceptance of a solution. However, as this is hard to realize, different methods have been developed that focus on route length, costs, number of collection vehicles, etc. (Belien, J., De, L., & Van, J. (2014).
            Another efficiency issue is the number of vehicles that are used for collection.  In the current model of manned vehicles, it is required to have more vehicles that necessary to collect on any given day in order to eliminate overtime pay of employees (Belien, J. et al., 2014).  By eliminating the waste collection worker from the equation we can in turn reduce the amount of collection vehicles required since these vehicle can collect essentially twenty-four hours a day.
            In a study by Benjamin, A., & Beasley, J. (2010), research was conducted that mathematically attempted to minimize the number of vehicles required for waste collection.  It is realized that having the ability for a vehicle to collect until full and then another vehicle be dispatched to continue collection could potentially reduce the number of waste collection vehicles required.  The issue with the idea is that in a manned vehicle scenario, it is nearly impossible to manage worker schedules.  Therefore, by implementing the unmanned waste collection vehicle, both a reduction in vehicles and more efficient collection could be maximized.
     Waste management is one of the major issues of urban engineering.  Today, the total amount of waste generated annually worldwide (municipal, industrial, hazardous) is more than 4 billion tons. Almost 45% of these are considered as municipal solid waste, while the rest is industrial waste, including hazardous one (Nakou, D., Benardos, A., & Kaliampakos, D. 2014).
            Further analysis must also be conducted into the future of selective waste collection (recycling).  By reducing the amount of waste being sent to landfills and in turn supplying the recycling industry, we can avoid the further degradation of our environment.  Other countries besides the U.S. have legal provisions that require residents to separate waste prior to disposal (da Silva Carvalho, M., Rosa, L., Bufoni, A., & de Sousa Ferreira, Araceli Cristina., 2011).  The U.S. must also look into the feasibility of adopting the same types of laws in order to improve our environment futures sake.
            The reductionist approach is unsustainable for the future of waste collection.  We must therefore adopt a more sustainable systems approach with the inclusion of Automated Unmanned Refuse Collection (AURC).  A sustainable waste management systems is one that is not dependent on expansion, focusses of the processes and not the products, organizational structures need to be adaptable and multipurpose, linking of transportation works to a mutual advantage, and feedback that effects system change (Seadon, 2010).  With the use of AURC, our waste management solutions will take us safely and economically into the future.

Andreasson, H., Bouguerra, A., Cirillo, M., Dimitrov, D. N., Driankov, D., Karlsson, L., Stoyanov, T. (2015). Autonomous transport vehicles: Where we are and what is missing. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 22(1), 64-75. doi:10.1109/MRA.2014.2381357
Belien, J., De, L., & Van, J. (2014). Municipal solid waste collection and management problems: A literature review. Transportation Science, 48(1), 78-102. doi:10.1287/trsc.1120.0448
Benjamin, A. M., & Beasley, J. E. (2010). Metaheuristics for the waste collection vehicle routing problem with time windows, driver rest period and multiple disposal facilities. Computers and Operations Research, 37(12), 2270-2280. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2010.03.019
Campbell, A. M., & Wilson, J. H. (2014). Forty years of periodic vehicle routing. Networks, 63(1), 2-15. doi:10.1002/net.21527
da Silva Carvalho, M., Rosa, L. P., Bufoni, A. L., & de Sousa Ferreira, Araceli Cristina. (2011). The issue of sustainability and disclosure. A case study of selective garbage collection by the urban cleaning service of the city of rio de janeiro, brazil – COMLURB. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 55(11), 1030-1038. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2011.05.015
Greco, G., Allegrini, M., Del Lungo, C., Gori Savellini, P., & Gabellini, L. (2014). Drivers of solid waste collection costs. empirical evidence from italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.07.011
Huang, S., & Lin, P. (2015). Vehicle routing–scheduling for municipal waste collection system under the “Keep trash off the ground” policy. Omega, 55, 24-37. doi:10.1016/
Kuijer, P. P. F. M., Frings-sen, M. H. W., & Sluiter, J. K. (2010). Health and safety in waste collection: Towards evidence-based worker health surveillance. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 53(10), 1040-1064.
Martínez-Barberá, H., & Herrero-Pérez, D. (2010). Autonomous navigation of an automated guided vehicle in industrial environments. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(4), 296-311. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2009.10.003
Oyatoye, E. O., & J A O Magbagbeola. (2010). A transportation model for demand responsive fleet operation in A manufacturing firm. The International Business & Economics Research Journal, 9(8), 29.
Schutten, M., Pérez Rivera, A., & Mes, M. (2014). Inventory routing for dynamic waste collection. Waste Management, 34(9), 1564-1576. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2014.05.011
Seadon, J. K. (2010). Sustainable waste management systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(16), 1639-1651. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.07.009
Tibbetts, J. (2013). Garbage collection is "one of the most hazardous jobs". CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 185(7), 554. doi:10.1503/cmaj.109-4443
Nakou, D., Benardos, A., & Kaliampakos, D. (2014). Assessing the financial and environmental performance of underground automated vacuum waste collection systems. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 41, 263. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2013.12.005
Xidias, E. K., & Azariadis, P. N. (2011). Mission design for a group of autonomous guided vehicles. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59(1), 34-43. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2010.10.003

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