Sunday, December 17, 2017

Can Unmanned Systems Technology Improve Safety and Efficiency in Automobiles

Can Unmanned Systems Technology Improve
Safety and Efficiency in Automobiles
Stanley D. Pebsworth
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
17 December 2017


The purpose of this research was to find whether Unmanned Systems technology enhances safety and efficiency of automobiles.  Due to the high number of accidents reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it is clear that there are many deaths that are as a result of fatal road accidents. Approximately a quarter of the total number of the deaths are caused by distracted or inattentive drivers. The latter has caused premature deaths in the U.S.A.  Tesla, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors are among companies whose collision avoidance systems are reliable.  This collision avoidance technology has been implemented in various industries not limited to automotive, agriculture, and aviation.  This technology is associated with a reduction of accidental deaths.  Sample data was collected from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to test the null hypothesis that unmanned systems provide no increase in vehicle safety.  The sample collected was analyzed using a t-test to determine the validity of the Null hypothesis.  However, the findings from the analysis showed that unmanned systems provide an increase in vehicle safety, hence rejecting the null hypothesis that unmanned systems provide no increase in vehicle safety.
Keywords: unmanned systems, highway safety, transportation, accident claims, insurance

Can Unmanned Systems Technology Improve Safety and Efficiency in Automobiles


Unmanned systems have been implemented in various sectors to reduce risk.  Modern technology has incorporated unmanned systems in the automotive industry to enhance safety.  Use of unmanned systems technology has proved to reduce the accidents that require quick decisions as well as precise assessment (WHO, 2017).  Unmanned technology is not meant to remove the responsibility of the driver, but to assist the driver in preventing imminent accidents.  Collision Avoidance Systems perform an assessment of the risk, plan the prevention, and take measures that would mitigate the severity of the accident.  The technological differences have made the companies develop Collision Avoidance Systems with varying capabilities.  However, the uniform contribution of the technology in mitigating collision accidents is assured.
More than 1.25 million people lose their lives globally due to road accidents (WHO, 2017).  In the United States, 33,736 people were reported dead from road accidents by Center for Disease Control (CDC) (CDC, 2017).  According to the report from the National Highway Traffic Safety, most of the deaths of individuals between 3 to 33 years of age are a result of traffic accidents (NHTSA, 2017).  Fatalities have continued due to inconsistent mitigation strategies.  Technology plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the road users.  Collision Avoidance Systems are accurate in computations and determination of the impending accident or danger.  Through calculation of movement of objects, the technology can predict a collision.  Current technology can alert the driver as well as help the driver to navigate the vehicle to safety.
There are several ways collision avoidance systems determine the probability of an accident occurrence.  Hence, a combination of various types of alert systems used in the Collision Avoidance Systems assist the driver and enhance consequent safety.  Basic Collision Avoidance Systems only contain audible alerts that warn the driver of an impending accident.  In spite of the assistance the audible alert system produces, the technology is not sufficient, and requirement of more reliable technology is necessary.  As a result, braking technology was added to vehicles with Collision Avoidance Systems.  The latter boosted the safety by initiating action when the driver fails to take any action.  However, audible and braking systems have not been effective in various situations leading to more research and development of intelligent systems.  Intelligent systems have the ability to determine the accident, warn the driver, and if the driver fails to act, the system determines the best action to take such as braking or taking divertive steering action.  Reviewing current technology and analyzing respective data would help determine the extent to which the unmanned systems reduce accidents.

Problem Statement

The problem under investigation is how best the technology of unmanned systems can be applied to automobiles to improve efficiency and safety on the roadways.  Using the data provided by NHTSA and NTSB, this project will find and evaluate the cause accidents.  The latter will help in the formulation of the application of unmanned systems and how utilization of the technology might provide solutions to automobile accidents.


Unmanned systems research and development has been ongoing for years, and determination to develop better systems have been encouraging.  Researchers have been vigilantly studying the advancement of unmanned technology for the last two decades.  Notably, the research conducted by military professionals and researchers remained in the background for years.  Surprisingly, the field of unmanned technology is not new because it started during the Second World War (Roberts & Sutton, 2013).
Social effects of unmanned systems have been an issue of concern over the years.  In spite of the significant steps taken towards implementation of more intelligent systems, differences arise in accordance to how the institutions view the technology.  Organizations and researchers differ regarding perception and the philosophical background on the unmanned systems.  Consideration of the insertion of these systems in high-risk environments would be appreciated.  However, concerns have been whether humans are endangered.  In spite of the relationship between unmanned systems and artificial intelligence, it is not meant to replace the human and the role they play in operations.  Advanced distributed systems, control systems, and respective command are the areas that require future development of concrete systems. Understanding of the technology and the role it plays will aid the integration of the technology in various sectors not limited to the automotive industry.
Collision avoidance systems impact the security of pedestrians, drivers, and passengers positively.  As part of unmanned systems and technology, it is evident that this creates value in life by reducing the chances of accidents.  The concept of intelligent systems in the transportation sector is core in improving safety and security.  The safety and security of vehicles, as well as their users, is guaranteed.  Consequently, due to integrated systems in Collision Avoidance Systems, energy is well utilized since it enhances and sustains mobility.  Reduced accidents have both an environmental and economic impact since fuel and time are utilized.  However, it is common that initially, society is reluctant to accept some of the changes due to worries that are beyond the scope of implementers.  Integrating collision avoidance systems is among accepted options that guarantees effective transport.  Public safety is guaranteed through a complete intelligent infrastructure of the intelligent transport system.  Collision avoidance systems improve emergency management and advanced vehicle security which covers lateral, longitudinal, and intersection collision avoidance.  Additionally, safety readiness, vision enhancement, and automated vehicle operation are other benefits of unmanned technology.  Reducing the notification time of police and emergency management in the instance of an accident relieves the public from possible death and unnecessary trauma.  Due to the ability of the systems to enhance transportation, improve mobility and reduce congestion, environmental pollution, and risk the technology improves the quality of life in all communities.  In fact, the safety and security of the existing infrastructure increases.  The reduction of crashes, fatalities, and injuries are some of the measures whose levels are reduced in every efficient transport system. 
Automated speed control and crash avoidance systems are core in safety performance in the future.  Several technologies not limited to Collision Mitigation Braking (CMB), Forward Collision Warning (FWC), Forward Collision Avoidance and Mitigation Systems (F-CAM) and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) provide the foundations for future developments (Jermakian, 2012).  The basis of Collision Mitigation Braking is on assisting the driver with automatic braking.  The application of the force required to minimize the chances of hitting a vehicle determines the action taken by the system.  Notably, this technology does not help in braking if the difference in speed between vehicles is less than 10 mph.  As well, the CMB may not work if the driver steers to avoid a collision.  However, when the CMB activates, the system brakes the vehicles automatically, and the brake lights are turned on.
The sensor that helps in radar functions on some vehicles is located on the front grille.  If an obstructive object is placed on the sensor, it stops working.  This is followed by the indication on the instrument panel indicating the CMB is inactive.  Every time the CMB is on, it scans radar constantly through the sensor.  Some of the issues that might lead to failure in sensing include a heavy load that tilts the vehicle changing the sensors field of view or modification on the suspension.  At times failure to maintain proper tire inflation as required may result in the same problem.  The sense of a possible collision leads to audible and visual alarm.

Current Technology

Fundamental Technology
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that there are approximately 56,000 cases of accidents happening in the United States due to drowsiness and fatigue (NHTSA, 2017).  Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is one of the initial technologies which improved driver comfort.  ACC is an essential control for surface vehicles, especially on the road in maintaining a distance that is safe for vehicles on the same road (Hong, Park, Yoo & Hwang, 2016).  This technology does not use any satellites, instead it uses information obtained from sensors onboard.  ACC typically measures the distance of the car preceding through radar.  In the event that a frontal vehicle appears, the system changes the vehicle’s speed to control spacing.  This is useful in preventing a collision with the forward vehicle.  Complex systems have been developed on the fundamental principles of ACC.  Collision Avoidance Systems, as well as the vehicle Platooning strategy, reflect the ACC application (Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2017).  ACC has been used in the implementation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).  In 2013, 29% of vehicles used on the road possessed the ACC feature (WHO, 2017).
In spite of the simplicity of development and implementation, ACC is not reliable in scenarios such as when the preceding vehicle slows suddenly.  Therefore, this calls for inclusion of ADAS on vehicles with ACC to boost the capability of the systems in boosting safety and efficiency of the overall system.  Advanced Driver Assistance System improvements ensure that safety and traffic assistance has been achieved.  Collision Avoidance Systems fall into the category that grants safety.  Other uses of the systems include traffic assistance as well as driving comfort.  Notably, the occurrence of accidents involving drowsy drivers also exists therefore, the need to develop systems that detect the drowsiness of a driver was necessary.  Driver Drowsiness Detection (DDS) systems would assist in preventing these accidents occurring due to drowsiness or fatigue of the driver.  The DDS system measure the drowsiness of a particular driver by monitoring the steering pattern of the driver against the steering input angle.
DDS improvement would include future sensors to provide steering feedback to prevent an accident caused by a fatigued driver.  Importantly, the sensor must accurately obtain information about the driver in relation to drowsing and fatigue.  Therefore, incorporating Human-Machine Interface Technology to measure the level of driver drowsiness is necessary for a reliable Driver Drowsiness Detection Systems.
When introduced, Collision Avoidance Systems provided the highest level of safety in the family of ADAS.  As a result, the National Highway Traffic Safety Board made the feature mandatory in 2016 for all new vehicles (NAMIC, 2017). These systems prevent a potential collision from happening.  Path Tracking Strategies, Threat Assessment, and Path Planning are the three sub-models contained in Collision Avoidance Systems (NAMIC, 2017).  Normally, the threat assessment tool is used to measure the risk and correspondent metrics of the collision.  After the detection and assessment of the risk factor, the information is passed to the system that involves planning.  Consequently, this feeds the current trajectory planning relating to the vehicle.  Mostly, when collision between vehicles is at high speed; it is important to ensure precise selection of every strategy involved in mitigating the risk.  The purpose of collision avoidance is determining the low-level selections of navigation through respective controls such as brakes and steering actuators.  Collisions are known to happen in many instances especially where the vehicle needs to avoid a single vehicle, a long bus, or multiple vehicles.  Therefore, the systems that would reduce threat is required to have embedded algorithms with good path planning, threat assessment as well as path tracking strategies.
Lane departure warning systems help the driver in maintaining the lane in the case of drowsiness.  Lane departure is an indication of an irregular driving pattern.  Hence, markings are required to be painted on the road to keep the driver within the lane to avoid accidents.  There are two approaches in lane keeping.  One of the systems produces a visual, haptic or audible warning when the driver departs the lane and the second system of lane keeping overrides the input of the driver in case of unresponsiveness.  The major drawback of the Lane Departure system is the dependency on the visibility of road markings.  Therefore, future research in the advancement of image processing technology that would help process images of lane markings during day and night visual fields is appropriate.
Intersection assistant is used in urban centers where overcrowded intersections have been prone to accidents.  Intersection assistance alerts the driver to cross traffic as well as pedestrians that may step out between vehicles.  The increased urban population has led to increased cases of accidents.  Mostly the accidents occur where a pedestrian or an obstacle appear in front of a moving vehicle.  Moving objects on the road are the main causes of accidents due to the sudden obstruction avoidance required on the driver.  Vehicle-to-infrastructure mode of communication would help reduce the accident rates through enhancement of intersection assistant system.  Intersection assistant technology has been used in traffic light violations, wrong turnings, and crossing-path collisions prevention.
Vehicular communication system technology involves the network integration of vehicles that assists in exchange of information with the environment through communication nodes. The exchange of information is meant to ensure traffic information and safety enhancement.  Both vehicle to infrastructure and vehicle to vehicle fall under vehicular communication.  The latest developments in the internet-of-vehicle, a segment of the Internet-of-Technology has triggered the complex development of vehicular communication systems.  Vehicle to X, where X represents the medium of communication, help vehicles communicate effectively and exchange information about their environments.  Some of the parameters that vehicles exchange includes the flow of traffic and the rate and proximity of appearing vehicles that are beyond the visual range of the driver.  Vehicular communication technology integration to the collision avoidance systems has been proven to alert and warn the driver about the impending risks of accidents several vehicles ahead (Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2017).
Traffic congestion is a global problem and is among factors that contribute to collisions.  Moreover, according to the Bureau of Transport statistics of the United States, traffic congestion is responsible for approximately 30% of carbon emissions that occur in the United States of America (Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2017).  Vehicle platooning is the current technology that aims at reducing traffic congestion.  The technology aims at reducing fuel consumption, improving mileage, as well as enhancing vehicle safety.  Vehicle platooning technology involves controlling vehicles through a computer system.  Platoon technology enables the vehicles to exchange information regarding the surroundings which help them in cooperation and navigation.  Vehicle platoon technology and a combination of ADAS systems would help in producing a more reliable technology that would help in mitigating cases of collision (Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2017).  A robust collision mitigation technology would contain algorithms that rely on several technologies to assess the threat as well as plan and determine accident avoidance strategies precisely.  Notably, Platoon technology helps vehicles plan lateral and longitudinal motion effectively.  The major challenge facing vehicle platooning implementation globally is the need to modify the current infrastructure. 
Tesla Collision Avoidance Systems
Tesla technology has gained trust over several tests due to the measures taken to increase safety.  The Tesla system is one of the most dependable autopilots.  Defined by model X, Model S, and Model 3, continuous enhancement of the system has made it one of the best autopilot systems.  Model S’ features guarantee performance and safety of the Tesla customer.  The Model S system is designed to be the most exhilarating and safest on the road (Lambert, 2017).  Autopilot capabilities are configured in a way that highway driving is safe and stress-free.  Adaptive lights have been integrated into the model to ensure automation of the headlamps. Enhancement of the lighting system boosts safety by improving visibility through 14 three-position LED lights that turn dynamically.
Model X guarantees safety, and is one of the best SUVs with safety integrated standard features.  Moreover, the SUV contains adapted hardware that provides visibility assistance beyond human capability.  The vehicle contains eight surrounding cameras that allow for 360-degree vision (Lambert, 2017).  Additionally, twelve ultrasonic sensors are integrated into the system to enable detection of environmental objects.  The forward-facing radar aides in detecting objects through fog, heavy rain, dust, and even beyond the car ahead.  This helps in preventing collision accidents since the vehicle provides increased awareness in all directions.  The Model X achieves a 5-star rating in all categories due to the ability to avoid accidents through its unmanned systems.  Active safety of the Model X includes the most advanced safety features not limited to side collision warning, automatic emergency braking, autopilot driver assistance and lane departure warning.  Notably, the Model X gets better every day due to the ability of software updates that optimize sensor technology (Lambert, 2017).  These updates occur when the vehicle is connected to the Tesla server through an internet connection.  Once connected, the server collects data from the vehicle that both assists in refining software as well as updates current software on the vehicle itself.
Driver assistance components in Tesla cars guarantee security and prevent accidents.  Radar technology, front-facing camera, and ultrasonic sensors are fundamental in establishing a safe environment for the car.  Radar is used to assist in the limited visual environment by detecting objects that may not be visually seen.  A front-facing camera provides visual obstacle detection and is assisted by the radar in detecting object that can be seen visually.  Ultrasonic sensors are used when in close proximity to an object.  Neither the radar nor visual systems can provide the level of accuracy needed to avoid objects within five feet of the vehicle (Lambert, 2017).  As well, lane departure assist, collision avoidance assist, and speed assist are made using advanced unmanned technology.  Autopilot tech package is integrated with the standard feature that ensures driver assistance in all realms. Vehicle lane assist intervenes by providing steering adjustment when the vehicle shifts from the appropriate lane unintentionally.
Ford Collision Avoidance Systems
The rise in fatalities of pedestrians and motorists have resulted in new technologies to solve the problem.  Ford’s new systems use automatic braking and steering in the case of a collision risk.  Therefore, these vehicles can avoid striking pedestrians or obstacles.  Development of obstacle avoidance system has put Ford in an important position regarding innovations to prevent accidents.  Ford cars using these systems can perform automatic braking as well as steering during collision avoidance with other obstacles.  The instances in which this technology is used includes avoiding hitting a pedestrian, slowing cars in the same lane ahead, or vehicles that have stopped moving.  The system alerts the driver of an impending accident ahead.  In the instance that the driver acts slowly or fails to take any action, the automatic system applies braking to avoid a collision.  The Obstacle Avoidance-equipped Ford Focus has been part of a project conducted by Ford consisting of 29 partners in the consortium to ensure the creation of safety systems that would prevent an imminent collision (Hayashi, Inomata, Fujishiro, Ouchi, Suzuki, & Nanami, 2013).
Continuity and building block approach is what every customer of the company's vehicles has experienced.  The technology started with warning features and assistance features including brake assistance, cross-traffic warnings, lane-drift detection, active park assistance, and blind spot monitoring.  Preceding lane-drift detection technology was lane-drift correction technology through anti-lock hydraulic brake module pulsing.  Current technology now uses electric power steering for lane-drift correction as well as collision mitigation through automatic braking.  In spite of the bold steps taken by technologists, there are limitations such as the steering torque that has not been regulated by any agency.  As well, Ford needs more information regarding nature and infrastructural conditions required to do engineering integration.
General Motors Collision Avoidance Technology
General Motors Company has been on the forefront in ensuring that its customers are safe through continuous innovations.  Precision engineering in safety features the company has made display General Motors attention to details.  Some major technologies used by the company include adaptive cruise control, active tow, following distance indicator, forward collision alert, low-speed forward automatic braking, front and rear parking assist, front pedestrian braking, and front and rear parking assist.  The company has also implemented technologies such as lane keep warning with departure warning, rear cross traffic alert, rear parking assist, safety alert seat, and lane change alert with side blind zone alert.
Low speed forward automatic braking system detects the proximity of the vehicle and the speed of the moving vehicle.  When the system detects that the front-end collision is imminent, the system applies the brakes automatically and reduce the collision severity (Riaz & Niazi, 2016).  Actually, at low speed, the system prevents a collision from occurring.  Front and rear parking is useful when the vehicle speed is below 5 mph.  This assists the driver by alerting him or her about objects that are near to the vehicle.  This prevents crashing into the nearby object or vehicle.  Rear cross traffic alert is used when the vehicle is moving in the reverse direction.  This technology helps the driver from crashing into objects approaching left or right especially in a crowded driveway or parking space while avoiding side obstructions.
 General Motors has patented a seat that contains safety alert and provides the driver with the option of haptic seat-bottom and subsequent vibrations instead of the being subjected to crash avoidance alerts that are audible.  Lane Change alert with side blind zone alert technology assists the driver in avoiding crashing into a vehicle that is moving in a blind spot on the side (GM Authority, 2017).  Sometimes the vehicle might be approaching the side blind spot rapidly, especially when changing the lane.  In such instances, the lane change alert helps the driver to avoid a collision.  Lane keeps assisting with departure warning assist the driver by engaging gentle steering as well as alerting driver on the attempted lane departure.  This helps the driver to prevent accidents that happen from unintentional drifting or departure from the lane.  The Precise decision by the system is made through checking whether turn signals are activated, and the driver has not applied steering of vehicle.  If the signals are activated, the system will sense intentional lane change.  Front pedestrian braking detects a direct head-on collision between the pedestrian and the vehicle.  When there are imminent chances of collision, the system alerts the driver.  Consequently, if a fast response is required, the system engages automatic braking.  Forward collision alert is used to detect collision to the front.  When there is a high chance of an accident, the system notifies the driver to avoid a potential crash.  This system also alerts the driver when he is following a vehicle closely and past an adjustable limit.
Adaptive cruise control is one of the most popular collision avoidance systems.  ACC is used to prevent accidents through enhancement of cruise control.  As a result, a vehicle follows the detected car ahead automatically by the gap the driver has selected without the need for the driver to adjust speed or brake frequently.
General Motors developed one of the most affordable collision warning systems.  The systems based on a single camera at the rearview mirror helps the driver to avoid the un-signaled lane departure, and front-end crashes.  General Motors uses radar sensors and or cameras to implement this technology.  Use of the digital camera on the collision and avoidance systems has been one of the trending approaches.  Multiple functions of the high-resolution camera include looking for the shapes of vehicles and markings on the lane.  Software integrated to the system examines every frame that is captured.  After the shape of a car is identified, the system calculates the time-to-collision.  Notably, the integrated system uses directional change, speed, and sensors to determine when to alert the driver.  This technology also determines how the accelerator and brakes should be applied.
The collision warning system uses warnings and alerts that are audible as well as mounted visual warning displays that inform the driver whether he or she is following a vehicle too closely.  When a collision is imminent, the system alerts the driver if he or she is departing from the lane or driving too close to another vehicle. On display, a vehicle ahead is represented by a green vehicle or lanes as icons.  Forward collision alerts flash red on the display while an amber warning signals lane departure.  Every warning is followed by a warning chime.  When the system predicts a collision, the brakes of the vehicle pre-charged to ensure that the driver reaches maximum braking quickly.  The major drawback of the system is that it can only operate if the camera eye is unobstructed.  The best feature is the combination of four exposures to form a high-resolution image that is used for analysis.  Moreover, night time recognition includes recognition of pairs of light moving together as an indication of taillights.
Application of Technology
An NHTSA report on the benefits of Collision Avoidance Systems recommended implementation of the technology on all vehicles to reduce the prevalence of fatalities related to traffic accidents in the United States (NHTSA, 2017).  Implementation should standardize the minimum requirements of every CAS system in the industry.  Therefore, assessment protocols, comparing and testing, and requirement assessment is mandatory to approve dependable and reliable systems.  The latter implies that NHTSA should document and publish all the acceptable Collision Avoidance Systems in the industry.  Manufacturers and consumers ought to be granted incentives.  Forward Collision Avoidance System should be a necessity and compatible with all other technologies as a way of ensuring reduction of the severity and frequency of crashes.
Evaluation of the current systems and the prevalence on the commercial as well as passenger fleet help in determining the appropriate strategies.  This also helps in determining the methods of installation of the systems on all vehicles.  NHTSA’s responsibility of ensuring deployment of collision avoidance technology has been challenged by compliance in a diverse industry (NHTSA, 2017).  However, the organizations that produce the standards have been slow in developing the criteria and standards that are comprehensive.  Nevertheless, the criteria and classification of the systems are yet to be delivered.  Performance standard tests should ensure that the vehicles meet the minimum operating level of the respective system.
The minimum and the lowest level of the system is the forward CAS.  All systems should meet the minimum performance standards of the approved system.  Since the performance standards are developed by government agencies or specialized organizations, NHTSA should collaborate with the International Standardization Organization (ISO) or SAE to ensure minimum standards are met by all technologies dispatched in the market (NHTSA, 2017).  Notably, the same institutions should be charged with the responsibility of developing assessment protocols.  This refers to the process of evaluation to ensure that the systems are efficient before installation on vehicles.  It is after protocol development that the systems are tested.  Manufacturing companies perform internal tests on the systems to ensure functionality and meeting of the standards.  Utilizing established protocols of assessment will provide manufacturers with an opportunity to test the effectiveness of the systems.  Apart from NHTSA, other agencies such as IIHS and ADAC can be used to conduct tests since they are charged with transport safety.  Tests conducted by transportation agencies should be made available to the consumer (NHTSA, 2017).
Currently, only one forward CAS technology exists.  ISO developed the CWS standards with performance requirements as well as the test procedures.  Development of the standards should address interface design not limited to timing and modality of a warning.  The occurrence of false alarms has been one of the problems prevalent on the substandard collision avoidance systems.  Therefore, the standards should address the issue of false alarm and miss rate.  After recommendations from the NTSB, NHTSA developed assessment protocols as well as the partial performance standards to be used in forwarding CWS evaluation in the passenger vehicle (NHTSA, 2017).  However, the protocols were not satisfactory because they only covered the evaluation of CWS technology and not the absolute performance of the Forward Collision Avoidance System.  The tests were used to determine the effectiveness and the ability of the systems in detecting a conflict and informing the driver.  Consequently, the test should evaluate the systems alert timing.  In spite of the efforts to develop comprehensive tests in accordance with human factors, issues such as modalities of the warnings are yet to be examined.  Also, the partial assessment protocols and performance standards for the Forward Collision Avoidance System only exist for passenger vehicles and have not been assessed for commercial vehicles.  In spite of the failure by NHTSA to develop the performance standards and assessment protocol, most manufacturers are adopting the forward CAS.
NTSA has been working on the final stages of developing performance standards on autonomous emergency braking systems.  The AEB assessments protocols were developed to test passenger vehicles.  Development of the protocols of assessment has gone through various iterations.  An NHTSA report on the AEB systems in passenger vehicles showed the result of the current systems tested in 2015.  Establishment of the protocols and the standards assessment of AEB in commercial vehicles has taken time.  Commercial vehicles should reflect the same procedures documented for passenger vehicles.  IIHS protocols for AEB assessment on passenger vehicles represent partial protocols since they cover a single scenario for rear-end crashes.  Additionally, the standard takes a low velocity of only 25 mph (NHTSA, 2017).  Even though the assessment provided by IIHS is not sufficient, it is crucial in the future development of AEB test assessment and protocols.
Implementation of the current standards and technology of Collision Avoidance System is taking shape.  However, the process has been slow due to the developmental stages of assessment and protocols of testing the manufactured systems against various scenarios.  NHTSA effort to make the forward CAS mandatory requirement in all vehicles has met challenges.  For instance, the standards of all manufacturers differ, and there are no ultimate general standards that either IIHS, NISB or NHTSA have delivered.  However, partial deliveries of assessment protocols have been met by various bodies on different parameters. A report by NHTSA has emphasized the important role that unmanned systems, especially Collision Avoidance Systems, play in mitigation of fatal accidents.  In spite of the slow incorporation and implementation of CAS, collaboration among various agencies is promising.  Manufacturers and stakeholders demonstrate great efforts on implementation of Collision avoidance systems.  Besides General Motors, Tesla, and Ford Motor Company, other companies such as Toyota have developed astounding systems.  Collective deployment of the systems in all vehicles will boost safety on the roads.

Critical Analysis

Unmanned System Design Configurations
            The designs used in unmanned systems are the basis for the safety and security they provide.  The collision avoidance system uses models such as pedestrian detection where the system can see a person crossing the road and alert the driver.  The automatic braking system is another factor utilized by this system to enhance safety on the road.  The unmanned system technology is viable in increasing security on the road as well as reducing deaths associated with automobiles.  Besides, the technology applies various sensors and signals which are easy to understand for the path users to cooperate correctly.  For instance, the braking systems work in close collaboration with the pedestrian detectors making the car owner or operator feel safe.  The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recommends the use of these systems to reduce the cost incurred after accidents.  Therefore, the unmanned systems technology is feasible in helping reduce damages caused by inattentive drivers.
            The first design used in unmanned systems is the collision-avoidance system.  The system aims at eliminating any chances of a collision between the vehicle and other elements.  The configurations applied include a pre-crash safety with pedestrian avoidance assist.  This system works by detecting both vehicles and pedestrians near the road.  It signals the braking system which reduces the speed to about 40 kph (Villa, Gonzalez, Miljievic, Ristovski & Morawska, 2016).  The reduction in speed reduces the impact energy of the collision as compared to the crash if the rate was maintained.  Further, to improve on reducing impacts, the vehicle may be equipped with a system that detects obstacles at a farther distance allowing braking to be applied at a distance where the collision will not occur.  This design would ensure the safety of pedestrians as well as people occupying the vehicle.  The damage that would have been caused is minimized by the utilization these configurations.
            Another collision avoidance system used in unmanned systems is the high-deceleration automatic brake control technology which works to assist in reducing the impact of the crash.  To achieve this, the system is configured with a deceleration feedback control algorithm.  The sensors detect an object, and the signal is sent to the pre-crash system Electronic Control Unit (ECU) which judges the signal, and it alerts the braking system accordingly.  To ensure that the driver is alert when this is happening, he or she must avoid a collision before the time to collision is reached, especially when the object is detected within a short distance.  Evaluation of crash avoidance by an ordinary driver compared to that of an automatic system show that the automated system responds faster than the ordinary driver.  However, the driver's response is the time to collision demonstrating that overdependence to the system should be avoided (Hayashi et al., 2013).  This configuration is feasible as it ensures no accidents occur and the damage caused by the sudden reduction of speed is minimal.
            The next configuration of the unmanned system that makes them secure is the design of millimeter wave radar horizontal position filter which helps to avoid delay when making collision judgment.  In the case where there is no filter, the sensor will signal that a pedestrian is crossing hence making the system respond with delay if the person passes fast.  The filter works by detecting the change in distance between the vehicle and the pedestrian, some horizontal changes, and the speed of the pedestrian crossing. A signal is then sent to the collision avoidance system by the position filter so that an assessment can be made as to the probability of collision (Hayashi et al., 2013).  The system works hand in hand with the fusion algorithm.  If the radar is used alone, it will detect all objects that may not necessarily need crash avoidance.  The radar lowers the detection threshold when a pedestrian is detected, and raises this threshold when a vehicle is detected.  For more efficiency and increased safety, radar reflection fuses with a three-dimensional camera.  The camera can detect the width and height of the object detected making the response more effective.  The combination of these configurations improves the safety of pedestrians crossing the road with a higher percentage compared to each configuration working alone.  Hence, it is called the fusion algorithm.
            Collision avoidance systems use the collision judgment algorithm by increasing the judgment collision probability not to cover the driver’s width by itself.  The system works to enhance the effectiveness of the speed reduction algorithm.  It helps the vehicle detect objects outside the driver’s area which could be affected by a collision.  It determines the point of intersection between the driver and the pedestrian crossing the road.  The sensors determine the particular time taken by the pedestrian and hence calculating the relative course of the person crossing the road.  The configuration of this system is improved by increasing the accuracy which is achieved by dividing the driver’s area into small segments where the collision positions are distributed horizontally.  A probable collision occurs when the threshold value is less than the collision probability.  Hence, the speed is reduced at a further distance after determining the time to collisions.  This configuration ensures high levels of safety of road users. 
Elemental Components and their Appropriateness in Unmanned System Technology
            The elements of unmanned systems have various functions.  The sensors help in detecting an object depending on the configuration and scheme.  For instance, the blind spot detection system has sensors that work as the eyes assisting the driver to stay alert in order to detect objects in their blind spots (State Farm, 2017).  In autonomous land vehicles, identifying the objects near it is important to reduce damages.  These vehicles have a sensor fitted with a camera that can take an image within two seconds at high resolution.  The driver is signaled so as to avoid the crash.  Sensors are appropriate as they assist in detecting objects. These sensors are the basis of the unmanned system, because if the object cannot be detected, the accident cannot be avoided.
            A camera is a major part of the unmanned system as well.  Even though they can work with sensors alone, the cameras help in obtaining more accurate information which the sensor might ignore.  Hence, for safety and efficient application, the system must have a camera.  Cameras are necessary for the rear cross-traffic alert which works through a warning in audio and visual form.  In forward-collision warning and auto brake, a camera-based system warns the driver of impending collisions through images (Linkov, 2015).  Further, the lane departure warning also uses a camera alongside sensor to detect the lane markers in order to assist in using the wrong lane.  The driver is alerted when he or she gets to the wrong road through audio or a vibration of the steering wheel (Linkov, 2015).  Therefore, the camera is a crucial component in the unmanned system aiming at ensuring safety and useful application.
Limitations and Constraints
            The application of unmanned systems requires design configurations that will ensure safety and ease of implementation.  The use of the collision avoidance system has to apply designs that are easy to configure, and drivers must be able to understand them.  The algorithms should fuse various configurations for better working of the whole machine.  The vehicle should detect the objects and respond accordingly without affecting the surroundings.  For example, the fusing of the object detector and the automatic brake control would assist in improving the response of the vehicle to avoid a crash.  The sensors and cameras installed in the car help in providing visual and audio warnings.  The driver must be alert to respond when the system fails, and he or she should not be overconfident in the system since it may become faulty.  The limitations and constraints facing installation and proper function of the components of the unmanned systems should be eliminated and the operators informed if they exist.

Research Problem Investigation

Literature Review
Implementation and deployment of a technology that prevents aircraft collision is proof that collision avoidance systems save lives.  If implemented on vehicles, both commercial and non-commercial, these systems would enhance safety.  In a James K. Kuchar and Ann C. Drumm article on Collision Avoidance systems emphasis on the success of the technology in reducing road accidents (2017), Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) reduce midair collisions.  TCAS has been in place for a decade and has prevented the occurrence of catastrophic accidents.  The rate of deployment of the system shows the unique position TCAS has in mitigating air-collisions accidents.  Notably, the technology has been installed on more than 25,000 aircraft globally (Kuchar & Drumm, 2017).
Advisably, the stakeholders of the automotive industry should borrow from TCAS to develop a more reliable CAS (Kuchar & Drumm, 2017).  Considering that aircraft move at higher speeds than passenger vehicles, TCAS borrowed mechanisms would be effective due to their fast processing speed and higher-level algorithms required to avoid an impending collision in the air.
There are several components in the TCAS system that help in detection, threat assessment, and path determination.  Surveillance sensors are used to gather information about an approaching intruder aircraft including the velocity of the object as well as speed.  The information passed is used by algorithms to determine whether the threat of collision exists.  Identification of threat results in involvement of another set of algorithms that determine the most appropriate response.  If TCAS is installed on both aircrafts, they communicate through a data link to ensure deconflicted avoidance maneuvering.  The systems are used as advisories to the crews.  Hence, the crew should take avoidance measures provided by TCAS unless the maneuver jeopardizes safety.
A research paper entitled Vehicle Technologies to Improve Performance and Safety by Pratyush Bhatia (n.d.), provides recommendation for the improvement of safety technologies in vehicles after thorough study on the causes of accidents.  Collision warning systems, night vision systems, active vehicle control, warning and advice systems, onboard diagnostic systems, automatic collision notification, automatic vehicle identification, and cellular communications are among the technologies used to enhance vehicle safety.  Use of different types of technology is crucial in mitigating risks in all dimensions.  The paper examines the technologies and how they assist in the reduction of fatalities, property damage, and injuries.
Bhatia’s research is relevant due to the examination of current technology and the rate at which current safety technologies reduce accidents.  Consequently, the research details these current technological features.  Design specifications, costs, functions, and performance are covered in the documentation.  As well, the paper covers improvements of the safety systems that have occurred over time and the projections of the next 20 years.
A study conducted by the NHTSA indicates that 75% of all the crashes are as a result of driving task errors and driver recognition errors represent 43.6% of those errors (Bhushan, 2016).  In some cases, the driver fails to see the vehicle ahead due to inattention, an obstruction such as road equipment, or the road geometry.  Errors related to driver decision account for 23.3% of crashes (Bhushan, 2016).  Unsafe passing, driver misjudgment, and excessive speed are related to driver decision error.  Driver erratic actions including failure to control the vehicle, the intentional running of a red light, and deliberate driving account for 8.5% of all these accidents (Bhushan, 2016). The driver’s psychological state not limited to the ill driver, sleepy driver, and drunk driver accounts for 14% of all these accidents.  Other parameters covered in the research include vehicle defects, reduced visibility, and road surface representing 2.5%, 0.1% and 8.0% respectively (Bhushan, 2016).
            Unmanned systems are the digital applications that operate with the help of sensors and do not require human labor.  The systems ensure safety through minimizing accidents as compared to dependency on human effort alone.  Their efficiency is measured by how they make work easier as compared to other methods.  In automobiles, unmanned systems are used to reduce the number of crashes occurring on the road.  The percentage of accidents provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) help in determining how efficient and safe unmanned systems make the motor vehicle industry.  Published work shows that when the driver understands how the systems work, there is a high probability of achieving the purpose of the systems.  Other institutions like the insurance and the highway administration are advocating for mandatory installation of these systems.
            Various scholars have discussed how unmanned systems can be helpful in improving security.  Others have explained that inattentive drivers contribute to the increase in the number of accidents.  According to Woodrooffe, J., Blower, D., Flannagan, C. A., Bogard, S. E., Green, P. A., & Bao, S. (2013), future generations may have a safer environment due to automation.  The authors developed their idea through research which aimed at estimating the safety advantages of the use of current and future technologies such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Forward Collision Avoidance, and Mitigation systems (F-CAM).  The research showed that use of modern technology systems that include unmanned systems have benefits such as reduction of accidents that are caused by tracks, reduced impacts after collisions due to the warnings before the crash, and elimination of crashes.  Hence, unmanned systems improve safety and ensure efficient automobiles.
            Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) are used to transport loads at any distance without the operation of a person.  These systems are activated when the environment is not suitable for human operation.  Factors such as the hazardous environment, strength required, size limitation, and the terrain may make an individual opt for unmanned ground vehicles over human effort.  Considering these factors, it is safer to use the UGV than endangering human lives in unbearable environments.  Further, unmanned vehicles used by the military in areas with high radiation, or where heavy equipment is required play a vital role in ensuring the safety of soldiers.  The vehicles only need the right settings, and they can perform more efficiently than human effort.  Advanced Teleoperator Technology works based on the advanced, spatially-correspondent multi-sensory human/machine interface and tests showed the effectiveness of the technology in operating remote vehicles.  The project helped the team understand other benefits such as the effectiveness of stereo head-coupled visual display systems, and isomorphic vehicle control at high speed.  Therefore, the efficiency and safety of the unmanned systems have proof.
 Further research shows that various safety institutions are advocating for mandatory installation of unmanned systems in vehicles.  Linkov (2015) explains that the Insurance Institute for Highway safety has improved its safety evaluation measures which include checking for the collision-avoidance system in vehicles.  The safety assessment aims at ensuring that the number of accidents can be reduced letting insurance companies deal with other types of accidents.  The security evaluation by the Insurance for Highway Safety include the provision of a forward-collision warning system with automatic braking.  The braking system must work efficiently according to the track tests provided by the insurance institute.  Another institute is the Federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  The board aims at making collision-avoidance systems mandatory in vehicles to ensure safety and reduced accidents.  Linkov (2015) explains further that despite the high cost of the collision-avoidance systems, their benefits outweigh the cost since the car owner will be safe and the systems work efficiently without requiring frequent maintenance.  Research conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway safety in 2009 showed a reduction in crashes by 7% for vehicles using the forward-collision warning system and 15% for cars with automatic braking (Linkov, 2015).  Therefore, vehicles using improved unmanned systems, the number of crashes could be reduced further.  Some of the unmanned systems that are helpful in reducing accidents include rear cameras and parking assist, drowsiness detection, lane departure warning, pedestrian detection, and rear cross-traffic alert.  All these systems work to reduce accidents, and the alarms should have organized warnings so that they do not irritate the driver making him or her disable them.
            The working principles determine safety and effectiveness of unmanned systems recommended by various institutions.  State Farm (2017) explains some of the working principles of these systems and how they ensure safety.  The forward collision warning alerts the driver when his or her car comes near a vehicle up to a certain distance.  If the vehicle has an automatic braking system, it will stop and avoid a collision, hence ensuring the safety of the passengers as well as mitigating damage.  The adaptive headlights crash avoidance system works by pointing in the direction of travel.  The system assists where there are bends and curves.  State Farm (2017) explains that vehicles with this application have reduced property damage claims by 10% showing that it is an effective method of ensuring safety (Linkov, 2015).  Blind spot detection systems have sensors that alert the driver of an object in their blind spot.  State Farm (2017) affirms that car owners with this feature find it helpful as it has made them escape several near accident events.  Hence, car owners and drivers must understand the working principle before they allow installation.
            Accidents caused by pedestrians who do not follow traffic rules are a significant cause of high death rates.  A pre-crash system aimed at detecting vehicles and pedestrians is a form of an unmanned system that should be installed in all vehicles.  The pedestrian detection system as discussed by Hayashi et al., (2013) show that a number of accidents, which mainly occur at night, have reduced significantly since the vehicle can detect the pedestrians even when the driver is incapable of seeing them.  The pre-crash system has a high deceleration brake control that reduces the speed by at least 40 kph reducing possible damage caused by the collision.  The system also has a collision judgment and recognition application that assists in signaling the brake to start timing earlier so that by the time the vehicle reaches the pedestrian, its speed has reduced significantly.  Therefore, according to Hayashi et al., (2013), this system is helpful in ensuring the safety of the pedestrians and the drivers.
            In summary, these literature reviews have confirmed that unmanned systems are safe and efficient for motor vehicles and they should be adopted and made mandatory for all areas they apply.  Further research should be conducted to improve on sensors so that signals are more efficient.  The number of deaths has reduced noticeably since these systems started to be applied in various areas making vehicles safer.  However, drivers should still be attentive so in case of a failure of the systems to work, they will be alert and able act accordingly.
Different theories are used in the implementation of Collision Avoidance System.  Application of tracking methodology and decision-making are fundamental in designing an effective CAS.  Bayesian approach is used to classify parameters (Lampinen & Vehtari, 2011).  Notably, every parameter of interest is defined as a variable.  Since sensors are crucial in the implementation of the technology, tracking sensors are evaluated in details.  Common automotive sensors should be evaluated to test their effectiveness. 
Tracking applications in Collision Avoidance Systems utilize the extended Kalman filter (EKF), Kalman filter (KF) and the Particle Filter (PF). Collision avoidance includes tracking of several objects simultaneously.  Multi-target tracking entails determining the measurement and its respective track.  This is referred to as the data association.
Forward Laser Sensor incorporation in the development of collision avoidance systems provides an alternative to automotive headway sensors.  The laser is cost-effective and its usefulness in intelligent cruise control and collision avoidance has been immense.  Using current technology, the laser technology is used in the development of multi-zone headway sensors.  As well, these systems should not require professional training for use.  The systems should embed human interface capabilities ensuring simplicity and intuitiveness. Control inputs from the driver should also override current control inputs.
Collision avoidance systems design consist of the decision, obstacle detection, communication, autonomous maneuvering, and communication model.  Obstacle detection models have had continuous improvements that increase the reliability of autonomous detection such as the Sick LRS 1000.  The LRS 1000 is the most used laser with the ability to detect obstacles at more than 150 meters.
Vehicle position is enhanced by the perception system equipment that must be arrayed in the area of interest.  After which, the presence and the position of obstacles are determined and analyzed.  Obstacle-free areas of the road are also determined to where the vehicle can move without danger.  A GPS receiver is used to perform position calculations.  However, in a significant number of cases, GPS has failed to deliver the required precision.  Therefore, an RTK DGPS Topcon GB receiver is used to update the frequency of position calculations using the Russian and American GPS satellites that generate accuracy to within one meter (USGS, 2017).  The GPS receiver’s role is to transmit coordinates to the computer.  Finally, the obstacles are placed in the digital map for analysis.  Risk and movement calculations utilize the laser scanner to ensure angle information.  Consecutive positions are used to determine the orientation of the vehicle.
The Decision model avoids obstacles that are on a single carriageway road.  Hence, the system detects the vehicles in the same lane.  The two considerations made in such a case are braking the vehicle to reduce speed and avoid a crash or turning the steering and overtake the obstacle.  Notably, braking would cause a traffic interruption.  Therefore, it is ideal to steer the wheel if there is not a vehicle approaching in the opposite direction.  The decision algorithm chooses the best action based on the information of the surroundings.  The surroundings include the road characteristics and the obstacles detected which are included in the digital map not limited to road and lane markings and visibility distance.
Decision algorithm calculates the distance that ensures calculation of the minimum distance that helps in deciding the safest action. When the best action is braking, the calculation to decelerate to acquire the speed same as that of the obstacle is performed. If the appropriate decision is overtaking, the algorithm calculates the required time and speed to use on the path of another vehicle and its applicability depending on the obstacles detected on the map.
Risk assessment results in the decision regarding the action to avoid collision through various options.  Autonomous maneuvering module assists the driver in performing the right action.  If the driver fails to take the right action, the automatic control executes the maneuver command.  As a result, the maneuver control takes the right action.  Therefore, the obstacle detection algorithm layered at the highest-level, and vehicle control is the lowest level.  The low-level layer receives a command from the high-level layer.  In most collision avoidance systems, reduction of speed is the main action.  However, on many occasions, braking is not the right action.  Hence, some scenarios require that the vehicle controls take charge of the steering wheel to evade collisions.
The described design has been implemented on the testbed vehicle Citroen C3 Pluriel whose accelerator, steering, and brakes are automated and ready for control by the collision avoidance system onboard.  As well, the vehicle contains a throttle that is electronically actuated.  Throttle position is controlled by the central engine unit using the received signal from the position of the accelerator pedal.  Assisting the driver is done by bypassing the electrical signal emanating from the pedal.  
The communication module functions when there are vehicles moving in proximity to collision avoidance systems installed vehicles.  This module communicates to vehicles moving near CAS installed vehicles.  Emergency maneuver is enabled by the automatic ADAS.  GPS signal, speed, and identifier are used to validate the message confidence.  All vehicles are synchronized ensuring latency performance using GPS timing.  Hence, the vehicle receives the emergency signal indicated by the interface, and the driver is alerted of the risk scenario.  Moreover, the driver would have more time to take the appropriate action. 
Communication between vehicles will be formed on network mesh devices.  A vehicle Ad-hoc Network will be created to support routing of information between vehicles.  Vehicle to vehicle communication will depend on an operating system using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard to establish and access the network at 2.4 GHz (Paiva & Fontes, 2014).  The wireless network will be created on the physical link and physical level through routing that forms a mesh protocol.  The network platform will support the required protocols and standards to ensure functionality.


Collision Avoidance Systems reduce driver error related accidents.  Some issues prevent full implementation not limited to infrastructure, laws, and regulations.  Deployment of CAS systems should be implemented on all automobiles.  While a vehicle with CAS system contributes greatly to the reduction of accidents, those without the systems reduce the effectiveness of CAS.  Hence, all vehicles should have these systems to ensure there are no ineffective vehicles on the roads.  The NHTSA should develop policies guiding the manufacturers to equip vehicles with collision avoidance systems.  One of the challenges that face execution of unmanned systems technology in automobiles is lack of a controlling agency.  In spite of NTSB and NHTSA efforts to develop standards and protocols to test the CAS systems in the market, defining criteria and minimum requirements have been a challenge.  For instance, passenger vehicle standards and protocols have been developed while those of commercial fleets have not.  Moreover, there is no specific agency of standardization in the industry to ensure standardized generation of Collision Avoidance Systems.
Dependability of CAS systems has been questioned due to various accidents that have happened in spite of CAS presence.  However, infrastructure could be one of the causes of these accidents.  Notably, driver error avoidance through driver assistance system does not guarantee accident-free roads.  Improvement of road infrastructure would help in demonstrating the real capability of CAS.  Unmanned systems technology is not effective on roads that do not meet specifications required not limited to the size of the road and lane markings.
Network communication has been critical to the implementation of intelligent systems.  Besides GPS, research on using network nodes for vehicular communication should be implemented in standard Collision Avoidance Systems as in Vehicle Platoon technology (Drummond & Huff, 2015).  The benefit is helping the communication modules of different CAS systems to communicate.  Effective communication results in well-calculated threat assessment and avoidance plan (Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2017).  Sensors coverage is limited due to the projection that would be interrupted by traffic congestion and environmental factors.  Sensors alone cannot determine the topography of the useable area.  Hence, in the case of collision avoidance, there are risks of incomprehensive decisions.  This is the reason Tesla CAS has environmental learning capabilities.  Permanent obstacles are scanned and maintained for future references as shared with other Tesla vehicles after an update.  Therefore, it is advisable that collision avoidance systems are embedded with intelligent robotic systems for future risk mitigation.
Instead of dependency on the real-time sensor recording, network communication should be used to help different vehicles to communicate.  The communication should be capable of learning from vehicles on the same route to alert the driver.  As well, the network communication should allow vehicles to exchange GPS information on their location.  Notwithstanding, communication between vehicles in proximity would ensure that there are cooperative mechanisms of mitigating impending accidents.  Vehicles should communicate their GPS location, their plan or decision the systems are taking, and respective signals to closer vehicles which will ensure that collision avoidance is not chaotic and will reduce the chances of casualty.


Unmanned Systems Technology improves the efficiency and safety of automobiles.  Since most accidents are a result of driver error, providing the driver with automatic assistance would reduce the number of accidents.  Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Tesla are among the companies that have been using Collision Avoidance Systems.  Deployment and installation of CAS systems have contributed to the reduction of accidents.  Various technologies have been used to achieve reliable and dependent safety systems.  Audible systems alone are not as efficient as both audible and self-braking systems.  After review, the research has shown a reduced number of accidents caused by the distracted drivers upon the use of Collision Avoidance Systems. 
After analysis of the current technology, Tesla, Ford Motor Company, and General Motor’s vehicles have been preferred due to their safety features.  The technology influences the community and environment in positive ways.  Socially, people accept the system because it reduces frequent death rates by reducing the occurrence of fatal accidents.  The research has also communicated the designs, concepts, and theories used by General Motors, Tesla, and Ford Motor Company.  Implementation of Collision Avoidance Systems should be made mandatory by the NHTSA.  Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), shows that driver error related accidents are frequent.  As a result, implementation of dependable driver assistance systems would reduce the occurrence of these accidents.  Finally, through data and critical analysis of the functionality of the collision avoidance systems, the problem addressed in this research, “can unmanned systems technology improve safety and efficiency in automobiles,” it is clear that the systems enhance road safety and efficiency.  A test of proportions has proven that vehicles without Collision Avoidance Systems cause more accidents than those with Collision Avoidance Systems.


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 [K1]This section is much improved.