Friday, July 29, 2016

Hybrid Power and Propulsion for Unmanned Systems


Hybrid Power and Propulsion for Unmanned Aerial Systems
Stanley D. Pebsworth
Bachelors of Science in Aeronautics
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
July 2016

A Research Project Submitted to the Worldwide Campus in partial fulfillment of the requirements for course UNSY 615, Unmanned Systems Power, Propulsion, and Maneuvering

With an increased demanded for unmanned aerial systems (UAS), advanced technological alternatives must be found to meet the expanding mission requirements.  Developers and designers are often challenged with balancing the customer’s mission requirements with the customer’s budget constraints.  A new type of power and propulsion system must be found that will meet requirements while maximizing cost savings, improving safety, decreasing failure rates, and reducing acoustic signature.  The demand is for UAS to have longer mission times, utilize weight saving measures, and incorporate cost saving fuel sources.  An innovative research strategy that combats these issues is the combination of multiple power, propulsion, and storage technologies.  Research and development in hybrid technology is ongoing in the automobile industry and therefore, must be considered.  This research paper proposes the use of hybrid technology to satisfy the requirements of UAS greater than 50 pounds.  Through quantitative research, this paper will analyze current power and propulsion options and provide alternative hybrid solution that will fulfill the needs of various UAS.  This paper will also recommend research strategies that will concentrate on the need for the future development of alternative power and propulsion sources for UAS.  
Keywords: unmanned systems, hybrid systems, propulsion, power storage, power generation

Hybrid Power and Propulsion for Unmanned Aerial Systems
            Since the early days of aviation, the need to balance the requirement to fly farther and longer with the requirement to reduce weight and increase payload has been ongoing.  An unmanned aerial system with the ability to fly for 24 hours and carry no payload is useless to the customer.  As fuel cost fluctuates, the need to improve fuel economy also exists.  In addition, we must also consider the primary role of unmanned system to be reconnaissance and therefore must address the need for a reduced acoustic signature.
            Currently, there is no replacement for hydrocarbon fuels that can match its energy density known at this time.  Hybrid technology, in some cases, will be less efficient than heavy fuel systems.  However, there are several scenarios in which hybrid systems could be optimized and meet the requirements of its mission such as during long cruise flight and descents (Rupe, 2010). 
            The research and development of hybrid technology has the ability to address all of these issues confronting UAS today.  Hybrid systems have the potential to maximize power to weight ratios which will increase range and reduce fuel usage.  With hybrid technology, the potential also exists to reduce acoustic signature due to the reduced operating RPM of the engine.  Improved safety can also be accomplished with hybrid technology by removing the single point failure system of a hydrocarbon engine and replacing it with a lighter engine that generates electrical current to charge onboard batteries as well as operate an electrical propulsion engine.
            The primary scope of this research paper is to compare and contrast current power and propulsion system with comparable hybrid power and propulsion systems.  Furthermore, this paper will address the tradeoffs between hydrocarbon fueled systems and that of hybrid systems.  This paper will focus primarily on hybrid systems for use in UAS larger than 50 pounds and with a real world reconnaissance role.
Literature Review
            In an effort to find viable power and propulsion solutions for UAS, this research analyzed past and current research on hybrid automobile technology, power sources options, as well as current hybrid aircraft systems both in use and in development.  Hybrid technology has matured over the last decade and therefore has become a feasible solution for power and propulsion issues facing the UAS used in today’s military and civilian world security missions.
            The use of hybrid propulsion systems combining a heavy fuel engine with a battery storage system has the ability to produce significantly higher endurance for small unmanned aerial systems.  Aerial platforms typically require a large power range to support all modes of flight such as take-offs, climbs, descents, and cruise profiles.  A hybrid system that has the capability to provide short term increased power profiles through the combination of both a fuel engine and battery storage could produce an operationally viable system (Verstraete, Lehmkuehler, Gong, Harvey, Brian, & Palmer, (2014).
            The Department of Defense (DoD) produced its plans for unmanned systems through the year 2032.  The DoD discussed their four primary needs as being reconnaissance and surveillance, target identification and designation, counter improvised explosive device (IED) warfare, and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) reconnaissance (Rupe, 2014).  In order to be mission effective in these needs, range and endurance must be addressed (Rupe, 2014).
            On today’s battlefield, commanders have an appetite for constant intelligence updates.  Commands today list reconnaissance as their number one priority (Hiserote, & Air Force Inst of Tech Wright Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering and Management, 2010).
“The intrinsic characteristics of UAS are unmatched by their manned counterparts. “The attributes of persistence, efficiency, flexibility of mission, information collection and attack capability have repeatedly proven to be force multipliers across the spectrum of global Joint military operations.”6 In the asymmetric warfare of GWOT, the abilities of UAS have proven to be mission essential. The Air Force is currently posturing itself to develop and harness unmanned system capabilities to maximize current and future contributions to the Joint Force” (Hiserote, et al, 2010). 
            Mission effectiveness could be accomplished through the use of a parallel hybrid/electric power and propulsion system.  Current battery powered UAS do not offer the much needed mission time and their counterpart, the internal combustion engine driven UAS, often produce an unwanted and compromising acoustic signature.  A parallel hybrid/electric system for UAS has the potential to combat both of these issues (Hiserote, et al, 2010).
            Serial and parallel hybrid solutions were the topic of research conducted by Fusaro, (2016).  In her paper she describes serial hybrid solutions as one that has an electric motor connected directly to the propeller as the main element in the system and can be powered by the generator of an internal combustion engine or through a battery storage system.  In addition, she describes parallel hybrid solutions as one that has an internal combustion engine and an electric motor connected to the propeller through a gearbox (Fusaro, 2016).
            The aviation industry is projected to grow by over 10% in the next 20 years (Friedrich, & Robertson, (2015).  Coupled with the rising fossil fuel prices, alternatives to meet the propulsion requirements.  Hybrid-electric systems provide synergy between fuel and electric systems which improve performance over internal combustion engines alone.  This improved performance includes: reduced fuel consumption, reduced CO2 emissions, reduced noise signature, and an increase in power to weight ratio (Friedrich, et al, 2015).
Design Overview
            There are currently several designs in development that could provide research as well as solutions for a conceptual design.  In 2009, Flight Design presented an aircraft that used a combination of a 115 HP engine coupled with a 40 HP electric drive motor to replace the normal 160 HP internal combustion engine.  This design allows for a more efficient fuel engine and incorporates electric boost power for climbs and take-off (Rupe, 2014).
Another design idea was developed by students from Embry Riddle University in 2011 called the Eco-Eagle.  This design used the smaller Rotax 912 100 HP engine coupled with a 40 HP electric motor.  This hybrid propulsion system was tested in the Stemme S10 motor glider (Rupe, 2014).
Hybrid electric distributed propulsion (HEDP) could be a possible solution to the design and mission needs of UAS as prescribed by the DoD’s plans for unmanned aerial systems through 2032.  HEDP combines powers sources and can provide supplemental power for takeoff and climbs (Schiltgen, Green, Freeman, & Gibson, 2014).  Having multiple power sources also adds a safety factor in the event of a one of the propulsion sources.  The following diagram illustrates the options of both direct drive systems with power supplement and distributed propulsion with a power supplement.
Design Decisions
            In the development stages of a hybrid system that would compare to the power output of its internal combustion engine counterpart, the ratio of weight to power output must be considered.  In research it has been stated through statistical data that the average internal combustion engine has a power to weight ratio of approximately 1:1 and an electrical motor has a power to weight ration of approximately .65:1 (Fusaro, 2016).  In comparison, a 195kW electric motor is similar in power to that of a 260hp internal combustion engine (Fusaro, 2016).  Therefore, full analysis of the propulsion requirements must be fully understood in order to apply the proper hybrid solution for the design.
            The batteries to be used also play a key role in the design decisions.  The batteries capacity and current rating provide critical response requirements during power load changes.  The battery recharging rate must be addressed as well to determine the best balance between the time it takes to fully recharge the batteries and the available time that the batteries can provide either complete or supplement power.  A compromise must be met between the fuel consumption required for recharging the batteries and the required endurance time (Verstraete, Gong, Lu, & Palmer, (2014).
            In a research paper by Jiménez-Espadafor, Guerrero, Trujillo, García, & Wideberg, (2015), research was conducted to produce an energy management system for serial hybrid systems.  Although this research was conducted to manage the power consumption of a wheeled vehicle, critical information was addressed that can provide a starting point for aerial systems.  In their research, the management of thermal energy is critical to maximize fuel efficiency.
            Acoustic signature is another design choice that must be addressed.  The desire to conduct covert reconnaissance requires certain aspects of the design to be taken into consideration.  First of which is the noise produced by the exhaust system of the internal combustion engine.  Design choices must be made to determine the desired location in which the systems acoustic signature must be minimized.  It is assumed that this requirement would be during cruise flight while the system is conduct reconnaissance missions.
A possibility to reduce acoustic signature is maximizing the noise reducing capability of the exhaust system.  In a hybrid system, the internal combustion engine runs at a constant RPM.  This constant RPM will produce a known acoustic signature and therefore, the muffling characteristics of the exhaust system can be optimized to focus primarily on targeting that signature.      
            Additional research must be conducted on propeller design and how it effects audible signature in the design decisions as well.  The desire is to produce a propeller design that optimizes the reduction in radiated noise, but does not significantly reduce cruise performance.
Addressing this criterion consists in research that addresses several design variables so that the objectives can be met.
“Although broadband noise contributions for rotors and propellers are generally non-negligible, in the present study, the tonal noise contribution due to the high-speed
flow in the tip region and the blade–exhaust interaction in the inner part of the blade plays a dominant role. The shape optimization revealed that the overall acoustic energy of the pusher propeller can be reduced up to a value of 3.5 dB. This reduction is nearly equally due to an optimal design of the blade planform in the tip and inner
regions. Compared with the five-blade production propeller, the new optimized six-blade propeller results in a 5.5 dB overall noise reduction” (Pagano, Barbarino, Casalino, & Federico, 2010).
            Baring entry of hybrid systems into current UAS design is the cost of implementation.  Future systems are believed to use this technology giving its recent technological advances in both ground and aerial platforms.  There are a number of tradeoffs that must be considered between heavy fuel and hybrid systems such as endurance verses stealth.  Hybrid systems offer a complete new range of options in design options as well as limitations.  Mission requirements must be carefully analyzed and options presented to the customer in order to determine if hybrid power and propulsion are the best option.  
This research paper presented a review of current literature found on hybrid propulsion technology and formulated a design idea based on this research.  Through this design idea, limitations were addressed and made available that will give design engineers the tools necessary to formulate goals for specific UAS power and propulsion design.  Results found in this research show that hybrid propulsion is a viable option for UAS due to its fuel savings of 6.5% compared to internal combustion engines (Hung, & Gonzalez, 2012).  This fuel savings results in increased payload capability or increased endurance.
            Additional research is necessary to provide quantifiable data on the increased safety aspect hybrid system over that of internal combustion systems.  It is proposed that hybrid systems have an increased safety factor due to the addition of optional power sources in comparison.  It is also recommended that this increased safety margin be considered in additional research into the acceptance of UAS into the national airspace system.

Friedrich, C., & Robertson, P. A. (2015). Hybrid-electric propulsion for aircraft. Journal of Aircraft, 52(1), 176-189. doi:10.2514/1.C032660
Fusaro, R. (2016). The advantages of a hybrid piston prop aircraft. Aviation, 20(2), 85. doi:10.3846/16487788.2016.1198093
Hiserote, R. M., & Air Force Inst of Tech Wright Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering and Management. (2010). Analysis of hybrid-electric propulsion system designs for small unmanned aircraft systems
Hung, J. Y., & Gonzalez, L. F. (2012). On parallel hybrid-electric propulsion system for unmanned aerial vehicles. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 51, 1. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2011.12.001
Jiménez-Espadafor, F. J., Guerrero, D. P., Trujillo, E. C., García, M. T., & Wideberg, J. (2015). Fully optimized energy management for propulsion, thermal cooling and auxiliaries of a serial hybrid electric vehicle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 91, 694-705. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.08.020
Pagano, A., Barbarino, M., Casalino, D., & Federico, L. (2010). Tonal and broadband noise calculations for aeroacoustic optimization of a pusher propeller. Journal of Aircraft, 47(3), 835-848. doi:10.2514/1.45315
Pornet, C., & Isikveren, A. T. (2015). Conceptual design of hybrid-electric transport aircraft. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 79, 114. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2015.09.002
Rupe, R. M. (2014). Analysis of UAS hybrid propulsion systems
Schiltgen, B., Green, M., Freeman, J., & Gibson, A. (2014). Terminal area operations for hybrid electric distributed propulsion. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 86(6), 584-590. doi:10.1108/AEAT-04-2014-0047
Verstraete, D., Gong, A., Lu, D. D. -., & Palmer, J. L. (2014). Experimental investigation of the role of the battery in the AeroStack hybrid, fuel-cell-based propulsion system for small unmanned aircraft systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.11.043
Verstraete, D., Lehmkuehler, K., Gong, A., Harvey, J. R., Brian, G., & Palmer, J. L. (2014). Characterisation of a hybrid, fuel-cell-based propulsion system for small unmanned aircraft. Journal of Power Sources, 250, 204-211. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.11.017